2005 - London October 13th 8am

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The three of them were in Charlie and Matts bed together, silently crying, holding each other tightly.  The only thing they knew for sure is that each of them had seen the beings Chwaiii and Mahiii and each of them had been told the same thing - Cassie aka Catrix had to go with them to save the very existence of mankind.  It was surreal, they had been given this day as the time it would happen and they were clinging to each other like they would drift away if they let go.

They had all slept in the same bed since Matt had his encounter, they had not told anyone - who would believe them anyway? They did not know what to expect and were scared.  They had not slept much for the last couple of days and were exhausted.  Charlie just felt they had to do something, she wanted to know what was going on, she spoke first "I've got an idea, why don't we all meditate together, we can get into a kind of altered state, maybe we can all see them together then, Matt, maybe we can ask them stuff - get some answers - what do you think?" Matt looked at her sympathetically, trust Charlie to come up with that, god love her for trying, he could not dash her hopes and Cassie was nodding in agreement so he nodded "three peas in a pod" he said smiling at them both. He felt so helpless.

They laid back and closed their eyes, Matt realised how tired he was then.  Charlie began to chant their names " Chwaiii, Mahiii ", silently, softly, Cassie joined in and before he realised it he was doing the same. 

It only took a few minutes for Chwaiii and Mahiii to appear, they were very beautiful.  Matt was smiling at them, he felt peaceful.  He looked at Charlie and Cassie and saw the love on their faces as they looked at the beautiful beings and he understood there was a powerful connection here, something far beyond his understanding and he accepted it immediately.  Charlie looked at him and nodded, he nodded back and they both turned towards Cassie - she was floating towards Chwaiii and Mahiii, she looked like just an angel and they both knew, they had always known she was meant to do something truly amazing - she was a special light.  She turned and looked at them both and they felt a rush of love for her that manifested into a haze around her body and she embraced it.

Chwaiii and Mahiii opened their arms to embrace Cassie and she melted against them - Chwaiii looked at Charlie and smiled - they all knew this was meant to be.

Chwaiii suddenly realised she was directly looking at the face of the great grand mother of her beloved founder Casey and she bowed to Charlie in honor - Charlie had no idea of the connection, no idea of the history and no idea what part her daughter had to play in this, but she felt the pure essence of love surrounding her daughter and she believed this was right.

Mahiii spoke to them "We will bring her safely back to you, it is foretold" Charlie and Matt clung to each other, nodded at Mahiii and said almost simultaneously "we love you Cassie" in a flash of light they were gone.

It was four days before Cassie returned to them, but they never doubted, never questioned and when she did - they were all ready.

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