3264 - Namaliii fourth quadrant universe, galaxy 7

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Vincent had taken Cassie to the examination chamber, he was going to break her, destroy her.  She was encapsulated in the DNA molecular chamber, designed to deconstruct the essence of an individual to determine their components.  He wanted to dissect her essence, to identify the DNA that belong to Casey, the Namahiii tribe - and to eliminate it for good - she was the source.  He looked at her closely, she had a peaceful expression on her face and he almost felt a sense of admiration for her - it shocked him! He had not felt any emotion other than hate for many years, it was unexpected, it disturbed him.  He refuelled his mind with hate, and the virus helped him.  "You know Cassandra, I brought your mother here many times when she was a child - she wasn't like you though, she was scared, weak, fully human that one" he looked at her - she did not stir, he brought his face closer to her "doesn't it bother you that I inflicted pain on your beloved mother Cassandra?" She looked deep into his eyes and he heard her speak, but it was Casey's voice that came out of her mouth, Casey's face he saw "I love you Vincent" she whispered and a tear rolled down her cheek - Vincent recoiled as though he had be stabbed and gasped, he clutched at his heart where a searing pain shot through and roared with rage to try and rid himself of the pain.  He ran towards her spitting his words "I will destroy you Casey and all of your ancestors and your future legacy AND I WILL BREAK YOU CASSANDRA, I WILL DESTROY YOU!!"  He walked across the room and as he did shouted out orders to his team "begin the process".  The machine started and slowly Cassandra's body broke into a million particles which hung in the air like multi coloured gleaming crystals.  Vincent went across to the control panel to begin zoning off the various aspects of her DNA that would allow him to identify Casey and Cassandra's connection and destroy them both.  As soon as he initiated the process Cassandras molecules regrouped and she was whole again.  He started the process again and the same thing happened, the machine was unable to sustain the breakdown of molecules for longer than seconds at a time and he could not zone any of them for identification.

The silver liquid began to bubble in its receptacle - Vincent looked over to see what was happening.  He did not notice a bright blinding light radiating from Cassandra's body, he did not see his troops slowly backing away towards the walls of the room.  Vincent tried to open the vessel holding the silver liquid to examine the contents, but it was locked tight against him "what is happening", Vincent screamed, "why isn't this working!!" slowly Cassandra's molecules dispersed again and slowly began to reassemble, but this time it was Casey who appeared in the chamber not Cassandra.  The machine abruptly stopped and Vincent turned towards it.  He looked incredulous, it was Casey, she was there before him and he had waited so long to destroy her.  He ran towards her "aaarrrrrg - I hate you!" He screamed at her, "I will destroy you and everything you have created" but the light that had bound her back together was too bright for him to penetrate, he fell to the ground.  Casey stepped down from the machine and walked towards him, her arms were outstretched and she was talking slowly to him "I can heal you Vincent, we can be one you and I - we can recreate history, we can create new worlds, I can heal you Vincent, I can heal you........"  Vincent was writhing on the floor, screaming with rage and pain he was deploying every tactic and tool he had at his disposal in the room to stop her moving towards him, but nothing worked, he was blinded with hate, confusion,uncertainty - he looked around for support but all of his troops were kneeling with their arms reaching to the sky, gazing lovingly at the image of Casey - he could feel the light absorbing him and he screamed louder, still she came towards him her arms circling around his body and he let out a final pitiful scream that rang out across the planet.

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