3264 - Namaliii fourth quadrant universe, galaxy 7

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The technology was superb, Vincent worked very well with the virus. The dimention and time travel suits were a new level of time and space capability. To the naked eye, long black trench coats that could easily fit in to any time frame and blend aimlessly in the background of any setting throughout the centuries, but the infrastructure - that was another matter indeed. These were individual crafts capable of crossing universe and dimension at the speed of light. Vincent trained his black coat army to inject into society across time and ensure that destruction and hate were rooted into to hearts and souls of mankind.

He had many successes - world wars were instigated by his army, hatred and violence was whispered into the right ears to ensure crimes to humanity and atrocity prevailed. Across the centuries Vincent found the time pockets he could enter to infiltrate the evil virus - he was a model host, the virus was becoming more cunning and greedy for more power day by day constantly keeping the goal of eradicating Casey in Vincent's mind and the thought consumed him.

The virus had been searching for a way to eradicate the Namahiii tribe for centuries. Across time and space it had tried to outwit and out smart the Namahiii from maintaining peace and harmony across the universe. It had continually failed to find the right host to play out its will, but then came Vincent. He had the right technologically advanced mind and the right knowledge and capability to work in harmony with the virus and the right connection, he was in love with Casey. The virus recognised the emotion immediately and it was easy to manipulate this one strong and powerful emotion for another - hate. The combination was perfect, Vincent was perfect and the virus was thriving.

Vincent had traced back Casey's ancestors as far back as Charlie and he had stopped abruptly - he knew this was where something began, but he did not know what. He needed to know. He began watching her, for years he had a team following her development. He observed her grow up, start school, start work and then meet Matt. Nothing very earth shattering or exciting, but something changed when it was reported they were having a baby - he could feel the hatred getting stronger, a closer relative to Casey. He averted all observations to Cassie - he wanted to know more about her, she was the object of Charlie's love, an easy target to manipulate and destroy her when needed. They watched. She was a pale, thin child plagued with illness (nothing like Casey he thought) she would be easy to eliminate. He kept the observations active with regular updates from his team.

Thirteen years passed and there had been nothing of any significance to report. Vincent was interrupted by one of the observation team "Sir I think you should see this" Vincent felt something in the pit of his stomach - he went to the observation chamber. There on the visual wall he saw Cassie - now thirteen years old, but something was quite different about her - she looked strong, powerful, she looked like Casey! "What has happened!!" Vincent screamed the crew cowered in fear " sir, there is something else" Vincent looked at him "what!!" He screamed "sir she has the marks of the Namahiii" and he zoomed in the image to the two silver teardrops that had appeared almost miraculously over night on Cassies wrists.

Vincent stared at the image for a long while then said quietly "I need a team assembling, we enter this time zone immediately".

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