2005 - London October 19th

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Trixie had managed to bundle Charlie into a cab and get them home, she wanted to call the police but Charlie had said no, she wanted to get home, she said she would explain to Trixie when they got home. Matt was waiting at the door he put his arms around Charlie and whispered in her ear, Trixie noticed there was an abnormal sense of calm between them.

Trixie spoke "ok, what the hell is going on here - Matt?, Charlie?" Matt looked at Charlie and she nodded to him. "You are going to find this pretty hard to believe Trix, but you trust us right?" She nodded "of course - Matt what's wrong, are you guys in trouble - please tell me" Trixie started to cry "And where's Cassie?" She sobbed. Slowly Matt relayed the whole story, Charlie chipped in here and there and throughout Trixie sat motionless staring at them, quiet, still.

Matt looked at her "I know what you're thinking, you think were bloody mad or something, I know................" Trixie raised her hand "no, no I don't" she looked at Charlie " you don't remember do you?" Charlie looked at her confused "remember what" she said - Trixie leant towards Charlie and held her hand "when you were very small you had a repetitive nightmare, mum and dad had to take you to see a specialist, they were really worried"
She continued "you used to wake up crying talking about stopping evil and finding the cure" Charlie's eyes were growing wider Trixie continued "nothing worked, mum and dad tried everything, In the end they took you to a hypnotist to take the dream away - then it just stopped, they were told you would hopefully forget and everything would get back to normal and it did". Charlie looked at her "how do you know all this Trixie".

Trixie looked at Matt and then back to Charlie "when mum died I went through some of her things in the study, I found the tapes from your hypnotherapy sessions, i know I shouldn't have, but I listened to them - I'm sorry, I never told anyone, I assumed it was all forgotten, but then when you were in labour with Cassie you were a bit lucid and Matt told me some of the things you were saying" she continued "he mentioned the word Catrix" she shuffled in her seat "you said that a lot in the sessions"

Charlie leant forward "go on" she said Trixie started to cry "well I thought it was the gas and air, you know that had maybe brought up some subconscious stuff, so I waited, I didn't want to say anything and stir it up if it was a one off, I knew if something had happened you would tell me or Matt and when it didn't I kept my mouth shut". Trixie sobbed out loud
Matt touched her arm "hey, hey Trix it's ok, it's ok" he looked at Charlie for assurance - she was in shock, she stood up "Trixie, where are the tapes?" Trixie looked up between sobs "I took them home and put them in my filing cabinet, I was going to get rid of them but I don't know why, I just couldn't." Trixie walked across the room and picked up her coat

"Wait" Trix shouted, "There's something else" Charlie and Matt looked at her waiting "you used to go missing" Charlie almost skreeched at her "what!!" And she stepped towards her
Trixie looked at her "at night, you'd scream and mum and dad would run to you room and you'd gone, they couldn't find you" Charlie held her shoulders "what are you talking about Trix, what do you mean" Matt got hold of her and Trixie spoke "I don't know, it was on the tapes mum was talking about it" Trixie was sobbing, and Charlie held her shoulders and just stood still, transfixed. Matt spoke first - "come on you two - we need to get those tapes".

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