3264 - Namaliii fourth quadrant universe, galaxy 7

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Cassie barely recognised the planet.  The paradise she had seen with Chwaiii and Mahiii was gone, only a barren waste remained, but yet still it was a place of some beauty.  The effigy of Casey and Jake had gone and in its place was a mansion of epic proportions, tall and majestic, in front of which was the last remnants of the silver pool - almost empty.

Vincent and the five black coats led her into the mansion and up the rambling staircase into a spectacular room.  "This is where I do my work" said Vincent.  Cassie walked into the room, the same room she had dreamt about for many years.  The same smell of Amber and Bergamot, the black coat time travel machines, lining the walls and the contraption with the silver liquid. Vincent spoke "you're probably wondering why you are here Cassie?" he looked at her intently "or maybe you are not?" Cassie looked at him, he did not look how she had imagined, she felt a wave of pity wash over her for him and instinctively found herself lifting her hand to touch his face.   Vincent recoiled and grabbed her hand, as he did the silver teardrop was visible on her wrist.  "What i want to know is how you got these marks?" He said calmly and he pulled her wrist towards him "no answer  for me Cassandra?"

Cassie silently bowed her head - everything was still in the room the five black coats shuffled uncomfortably and then slowly she raised her head and started to sing.  Her voice seemed to amplify beyond what was coming from her mouth and filled the entire room, the black coats gasped and backed against the wall.  She was singing the Namahiii meditation song, her voice clear and strong.  Vincent observed her as the song became louder and Cassie began to levitate into the air a light radiating from her body.  Vincent looked at her bemused but inside he was angry - very, very angry.  He finally spoke "enough of this - encase her" as soon as he had made the command a cube of light encapsulated Cassie and she could not be heard.  The room responded to Vincent's every command, every thought could be made matter.

She hung silently in the cube, light still shining through her body.  Vincent walked around the cube to observe her.  He was fascinated with her, but he needed to destroy her.  She reminded him even more of Casey now, that assured self-confidence and belief and the goodness, it was like an illness - it made him sick, he hated her.  "Get the examination chamber prepped" he ordered "let's find out exactly what she's made of" Vincent left the room.

Inside the cube Cassie was in silent meditation, unknown to anyone else she was with Chwaiii and Mahiii, this was part of the preparation process.  Cassie needed to connect with the planet, she needed to be at one with the Namahiii to be able to release the cure.  It was the first stage of her mission.

Vincent was getting excited about destroying Cassie, he no longer thought of her as anything but Casey - she was the sole focus of the hate he had carried for so long and he was going to put an end to her.  What Vincent did not know is that whilst Cassie sang the meditation song, her voice was heard in a section of the planet the virus had not reached, to a small tribe who had managed to break away, to rebuild a new world.   They were on their knees, arms raised to the air silently absorbing the meditation song. 

They saw the light radiating from the great house, they felt the love and they knew their saviour had come for them as had been foretold.  Their salvation had begun.

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