Chapter two

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I come home with a single dress. I spent all day at the mall but only came home with one dress. That's typical of me. I don't like to waste money. I have my own style of fashion and not much care for the new trends. However I always love dresses, they have a way of making a girl feel beautiful. Making a girl feel like a princess. I especially like the full length ball gowns but I've never really had a reason to wear them. I don't get invited to big things like that. Ive never even gone to prom.

The door creeks open and I walk into my home. My sister is sitting in the entryway pulling on her heels. Her blonde hair is up in an intricate braid bun and the blue streak she dyes is tucked into has on jeans and an unmodest thin white shirt. Her and I aren't the best of friends. When she sees me she smirks. "You've been gone all day and you only have one bag?" I nod. "Yes. What's so wrong with that?" She scoffs. "Only everything." Deep breathes I tell myself. "Well I'm sorry that you don't like it." She stands abruptly, huffs and sashays out the door. I purse my lips and choose to ignore her vanity.

"Father?" I call. As I wait for his reply I slip my bag from my shoulders and pull off my boots. My socked feet are quiet on the floor. "Belle? Is that you?" My fathers voice calls from the other room. He calls it his office but it's more like his craft room. A smile breaks across my face and I follow the sound of his voice. As I suspected I find him in his "office". He is covered in paint but I can't see the canvas he's painting on, he's blocking it. "Daddy!" I cry. He turns swiftly and happiness shows in his blue eyes. 

He breaks out in a smile. "Belle!" He drips his paintbrush on the ground and walks over happily. He grasps my hand in his rough ones. "I'd give you a bear hug but..." he motions to my teal dress. "So beautiful on you, I'd hate to ruin it." He says. "Forget that." I respond wrapping him in my arms. "This is a special occasion." He chuckles. "Oh? And what would that be?" I put him at arms length and answer honestly. "I missed you." And you to." He grins. "And it's okay I got a new dress." He raises his eyebrows. I pull it out of the shopping bag and hold it up. 

It's teal with fake gems around the waist and the top. It's strappless and short but I have plenty of leggings that would go with it and I plan to sew on some straps. I enjoy sewing and I'm pretty sure I have the perfect thread color and fabric to. "Aw that's beautiful darling." He says. "Just like you." He plays with my hair. "Thank you daddy." He smiles and backs up motioning to his canvas. I move closer to take a better look. "It's beautiful!" I gasp. He's painted three roses all of them white but pink around the top edges. Their leaves and vines entertwine and circle around the three flowers.

Daddy knows roses have always been my favorite flower and despite teal and blue being my favorite colors ive always loved the white roses because white symbols purity and their just plain pretty. "It's gorgeous father." I complement him. "It's for you." He replies. I gasp. "Really?" He chuckles. "Yes really." I hug him again. "Thank you." I say. He hugs me back. "Your welcome, I love you Belle." I love you to father." I answer.

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petals fall (a modern beauty and the beast retelling) discontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now