Chapter thirteen

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The wind whips my magically curled hair everywhere. I spit it out of my mouth feeling whoosy. Black begins to coat my vision. I'm going to black out. I squeeze my eyes shut. I prepare for impact,  enstead of the hard ground below me I am caught gently and unharmed. Someone has caught me. i open my eyes to see who saved me and if I had more energy perhaps I would scramble away. Enstead I stare entranced  for when I open my eyes I am looking at the face of fear. The face of the beast. But his eyes, they seem almost... gentle. No that can't be. The beast has imprisoned me here. He is not gentle and kind. It must me my imagination. Everyone always tells me of my vivid imagination. Or at least, they did. I want to cry.

"Stupid girl." He mutters. Muscle ripples beneath his fur and skin as he crouches on his hind legs eyeing his destination. Then he jumps. It's like a spring one moment safely on the ground and the next souring through the air like a bird. My hair is whipped back out of my face but now I choke on his fur. It's matted and tangled but soft. I feel the surprising urge to brush it. I must be going crazy here. Or perhaps I am not here and have in fact already gone crazy. We land on the window sill of the room I awoke in. It groans beneath our combines weight though I can honestly say it is mostly his weight weighing us down. 

He squeezes through the window though I have no idea how he accomplished such a feat. Once inside he lays me gently on the bed once more. "You can't do that." He scolds. Then he turns and walks to the door opening it. "This is your room until further notice." With that he ducks through the door and disipears. The door closes behind him and his loud footsteps echo down the hall. I stare at the spot where he had been. Why did he save me. He left me to wonder all on my own. Why would he do that? I am of no use to him am I? In the end I decide that he must have done it to prevent my escape and nothing more. 

I hear hushed voices outside my room and I tip toe to the door. I open it a crack and peer out. At the end of the hall the beast towers over Lucian his cat like tail  flicking this way and that angrily. Lucians mirror eyebrows are drawn. "Who did this?" The beast growls motioning to Lucians mirror face. "The girl, she has a kind heart! Unlike someone I know!" Says Lucian angrily. "The girl. And you let her out!" Yells the beast. "Be quiet! She'll hear you!" Lucian scolds. They both start to turn my way so I duck back behind the door. "And Yes, i let her out. She no more deserves to be prisoner here than any of us ever did!" I peer out again when I hear Lucians voice. I watch helplessly as the beast knocks Lucian away with a growl. 

I run out into the hall and catch Lucian midair. The beast seems surprised to see me. "Are you Okay Lucian?" I Ask placing him gently on the ground. "Yes thanks to you." He says with a bow. With one last huff Lucian marches off. The beast glares at me. "You should've stayed in your room." I hold my head high and fold my arms across my chest. "I do as I Please. And if I had you could have killed him." His face rearranges into what I assume is a smirk. "Bah." He says waving a hand in my direction. With that he disappears around the corner and leaves me all alone. Again.

petals fall (a modern beauty and the beast retelling) discontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now