Sticks and Stones can break bones.

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[Error's Pov]

As soon as we arrived at the police station we quickly slammed the door open. Everyone looked at us and Fresh smiled embarrassingly and did a motion finger.thing.

I don't mind. But the anger and worries are filling me. With a little shake with fear. I became glitchier and glitchier every second and death stared at them.

"Where's Geno?" I said with my deepest voice. They were shaking in fear and a guard pointed at a door. I thanked them coldly and walked to the door quickly. Without hesitation I opened it and saw a cop arresting Geno and is going to throw Geno in.

I feel rage filling me again and Error signs are going crazy! Oh this filthy cop is gonna get it. I walked to him. resisting that I'm going to punch him real hard in the face and get Geno home.

One cop stood and my way and spread his arms out to stop me. He pointed at me and I stopped. "Halt! Your not allowed to-" before he could finish his sentence I pushed him aside and walked to the cop holding Geno.

"Yoozos what the candical hedge is goin on in this houza?" Fresh barged in to distract them. The cop yelled and I took my chance to pick the lock (is that it?) and free Geno.

"E-Error! What are you.." Geno whispered but was cut off with because I feel a slight pain hit my skull. Hard. And before I knew it. I fell on the ground flat. I hear Geno and Fresh calling out to me.

My vision became blurry.And I slowly blanked out into a black space. I'm sorry Geno. I'm sorry too Fresh. It's all my fault that Geno became like that. I'm sorry it turned out like this. It's all my fault. I'm sorry. I'm sorry..

I'm sorry.

[Geno' Pov]

Surprise! Happy birthday Geno!

What? No problem! I can't forget your special day! It'd be horrifying!

Hn? Oh geez. Don't be such a crybaby.

Pfft. It's okay. Oh and I have a present for you!

Ah ah ah! I'll give you the present. After you blow the candle.

Okay. Here you go.

Heheh. Your welcome love.

Oh geez. Don't cry again.

Heh. Your so cute.

Heheh okay stop hitting me!

Heh. I love ya Geno.


*hic* oh there ya are Geno. *hic* c'mere.

What? What the fuck are ya saying?



Did you know how I have to spend a large amount of money on that!?

I have to go to lots of trouble and you're just like....

Tss. How am I gonna say this to him?


....I lost my job.



I can't believe I got into you!

Your just a dumb and clumsy idiot. DO YOU HEAR ME? DUMB AND CLUMSY! FUCKING IDIOT!

Oh Geno you listen to me. You listen to me. I'm teaching you a lesson here. But it looks like you're not listening.

Looks like I have to go overboard.

What am I doing? What am I doing!?

Oh Geno. You're so slow. Like a snail.

... Geno you're gonna have a good time while I'm teaching you this lesson.



Geno? ...




......I'm sorry..........I.....I....... I can't.'re such a dumb idiot. Did you know that?

I would never need someone like that.

For example.


Now if you excuse me. I'm going to live a better life.

Without you.


Slowly opened my eyes and I noticed that there was tears falling down to my face. I wiped them away and that dream. No. Nightmare came back and made me remember everything that day. My tears wouldn't stop falling it became worse and worse.

Until I gave up. I gave up trying to hide my feelings. I just let it all out that night. I feel weak. My soul feel weak. I couldn't even try to move. I tried my best to keep quiet so others can't hear me. But i couldn't. I..... I can't.

I hugged my knees closely to my chest and hid my pale face and kept on crying.. And I thought to my self.... Im weak. Even though I try to be strong. I'm still weak. Even though I do my all. Still I'm weak.... And I feel everything around me shattered into pieces.

I'm.......dumb,stupid,weak,a freak,blind,crap,trash,a loser........ Unloved.

And then I feel eyes staring at me and whispers talking about me. I don't mind. Even though they pity me. Because I look like a mess right now. And I just let them break me. Because I can't afford.

To live in this world anymore.


I feel bad about this chap. Probably more sad parts in the next one. Cause I'm feeling emo now. Huhuhu.


"They're for you"

Okay that's all bu-boi! :3

Don't Keep me Waiting~ (An Afterdeath fanfic) [DISCONTINUED]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat