You're a Police officer! Not a...

352 20 1

Me: I miss this...

Reaper: Me too.

Geno: This is stupid.

Reaper: Aww. You look cute.

Geno: I'm not!


Wait.. This draft is still alive!? *gasp* THAT MEANS I WONT HAVE TO WRITE EVERYTHING AGAIN ANYMORE!! :D


[Hail's Pov]

I waited outside the operating room as I thought about how low and depressing my life is.

I heard the vet panick about and made some noises. It made me worry until it was gone.

They opened the door and I stood up.

"So, how is it?" I asked worriedly.

"W-well... I need to show you something." He opened up the door wide and I saw it.

My sockets widened at the creature I saw infront of me.

It was not a cat. It was a hybrid.

"Is this... Normal to your pet?" The vet asks nervously "I have never seen this type of pet or hybrid before. Can you name it's kind?"

I shook my head "I can't. That.... It's not mine. I found it in the storage room of my work place. It was injured and was gonna steal food until it lost it's energy.."

The vet nods "I see. Well, in the other hand, I brought it back to good health. It was a hard case, he might have died in that. But this guy has a fighting spirit. So he is lucky to be alive."

I smiled fakely. Like I always do. "Thank you."

The vet smiled at me "No problem. You can.. Take it with you now."

I nodded as I go in the room.. I looked back "um... I think it might take a little while to make it stand up?"

The vet took some time to respond when their eyes widened and chuckled "Of course. Take your time." He closed the door.

I looked at the creature infront of me and took a deep breath. "Um-"

"Who are you!?"

"What did you do to me!?"

"Where am I?"

"Did you bring me here!?"

"You got to get me out of here before it's too late!!"

It suddenly burst out and asked me questions. 

What the heck!? 

"Woah woah woah. Calm down.." I said in a calm voice. "I'm Hail,I helped you,In the animal clinic, yes, I would if I could and what do you mean it's too late??" I answered all of their questions, one by one.. Followed up with my question.

"It... It's non of your business! And what do you mean you helped me!?" It yelled back.

Yeesh. Talk about noisy and arrogant.

"Geeze. It didn't answer my question. Anyway, you were injured. So I took you in this clinic to treat your wound." I replied in a very cold manner.

[No One's Pov]

The hybrid blushed as it puffed it's cheeks and spoke "W-Why did you do that!? I could have taken care of myself without your help!"

Hail couldn't reply to his question. It would sound stupid. He just moved his pupils to the wall and said nothing.

The hubrid was measuring it's patience "Well???"

".....It was mostly your fault." He replied.

The hybrid was shocked "WHAT...!"

"You took a form of a cat!" He finally said it. He then turned away. "Go ahead, laugh at me. I don't care..."

Instead of a laugh... This is all what he heard. "... Whut."

Sans looked at it with a confused face "What?"

"I don't get it. So what if I turn into a cat? Wait.... You like... Cats.....?"

Hail did not respond but a bright blue blush has showed itself on his cheekbone,

The small little thing blushed and joked. "Was I... Irresistible?"

The tall block of ice growled "That's it I'm leaving you here."

~Somewhere else~

[Reaper's Pov]

"Tsh. Now that my mood has been destroyed, I got to go back to serious mode. Okay." I took deep breaths.

So. Geno walked on the pedestrian crossing, But at that time, the light was green but there were no cars that got through.... Almost at the middle of his walking, the light suddenly turned red and coincidentally, a car was gonna hit Geno. Geno stopped out of confusion and he got hit....

Wait.. Maybe I'm missing a few I said... The light suddenly turned.... Red......

I looked outside the car window and saw the pedestrian walking lights. I took a good look at it...

The light turned red and pedestrians started walking. I looked at my watch... It took almost 2 minutes. 

When Geno crossed the crossing.... Did it took almost 2 minutes...?

If it didn't.. THIS WAS A PLANNED MURDER!! Well. Almost murdered. Now this... This I got to see...

"Sir, here's your Ice cream sundae."  

"Thank you, here's the money, please keep the change."

I said as I drove off.


Sorry it's short ;~; I suddenly ran out of ideas. So, Here's a bonus part for you guysssssssss,


Hail hissed "Get off me you piece of paper!"

"Tsk, Hey, I know my name sounds weird, BUT IT DOESN'T MEAN I'M MADE FROM IT!! And also that's not how my name is meant to be, you should think out of the box, Hail." The small skeleton licked on an ice pop as hs tried to get on Hail.

"yeah, sure, Whatever... Story." Hail groaned as he pushed story off him.

"You block of ice." Story bit on the ice pop.

"Hey, I know my name sounds totally off, but it doesn't mean I'm made from it~" hail cooed jokely.

"You're just repeating the words I said!!" Story growled

"Which is why karma is a bitch." Hail said coolly.

Story laughed "Haha. That is true....."

*Bonus Part end*

Story does not belong to me but my dear, sometimes a cringe bean, friend.  :3 look!! I finally made Stail XDD


Don't Keep me Waiting~ (An Afterdeath fanfic) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now