Everyone needs someone to talk to.

546 27 12

A new roommate

(Made an-correction)

[Geno's Pov]

"Hey. Wake up."

"nggghhhh." I groaned. Ugh. My head hurts. What happened?

I turned around and tried to find the right spot, until someone almost,ALMOST,touch me. But before he did. I slapped his finger and looked at him with a cold glare.

Great. A cop. Time to face it. I'm dumb. Or done.

The cop- guard- guy scoffs and stood up straight, as if he was. Showing off his spirits or something. That doesn't matter right now.

I sighed as I stood up and faced him. He looked at his wrist and finally spoke after 3 minutes. "Okay. The bell will ring soon. Then you can go to the canteen to eat junk. So prepare yourself and don't get to any fight. There will be consequences."

I want to roll my sockets but I just nodded. I looked at his eyes seeing there was fear and calmness mix together. This guy doesn't know what 'calm' truly means doesn't he?

I passed through him and quickly rested my hand on the cell bar. Huh. Quite noisy today. I eyed (Erm) the guard as he slowly turned his hand from the door and quickly step out. Pfft. I love this show. Never gets old.

He turned around and quickly locks the door behind and left shaking. What? Am I that scary? I just killed a fucking judge--


Fuck me. I truly hate myself now. I mean. I always have been. But. Up to now. I still don't know why I kept on doing shameful mistakes.

I stopped on thinking when a familiar aura stepped up from the other side. I quickly eyed him and smiled faintly.

"Ya okay in there?" I questioned him as he gave me a... Disgusted look?

"No dude! My so called 'cell mate' wont even shut their front door and they stink! Real bad yo! Like a smell of a rotten egg!" He scream whispered.

I chuckled at him and replied.

"Easy there. Make sure ya don't want to mess with him--"

"It's a girl."

..... Um... What?

"oh." .__.

That's when I stopped talking to him and turned my attention to error. I want to see if he's okay. And just in case.

I snapped my fingers. But nothing happened. I snapped them again. And yet nothing happened.

Curses! I should've known that this prison is magic proof!

I facepalmed. Dumb. Dumb. Dumb. Duh. This place really changed huh?

(Err. When Geno was caught and put behind bars. He just teleports out or uses his telekinesis to the guards and let them sleep. Then he would escape. But now. Technology and science always have to ruin everything. And what I meant by that is like; magic is real! But scientists always say : It's scientifically proven that it's just tricks and illusions that's by created by blah blah blah something like that. And I based it irl)

I sighed and sat down to the ground. The feeling of dirt and water mixed together made my face scrunch a little. But I just let it slid.

After a while. A bell rang. I stood up and hear someone banging the bars saying "Alright come out! But if ya escape you're in for a bad time!". I rolled my sockets. Where did ya even get that from?

When he unlocks the door. I walked out and saw some guards standing at the corners of the cell. I walked past them and saw an open door.

I suddenly remembered the movie where Fresh kept on watching when we were kids. And I perfectly remember the title.

My face scrunched up when I remember the song 'Closing open doors'. I think?

When I walked right in. A warm and cold atmosphere quickly greeted me. Causing me to shiver. And sending a feeling to my spine.

I sighed it off as I realized i was in the canteen. I feel my (stomach) grumble. And shaking. I quickly walk to the food and can't help but cringe.

Disgusting. But hey. It's food. Might as well eat it. Don't wanna destroy nature do we? And what I mean by that, I don't want to waste food.

I walked to a table and sat on it. It made a small creak sound, which made me stop.

Am I that heavy? I questioned myself.

It was then Fresh sat next to me and kept on talking about his cell mate. And of course. I have to reply. I don't have anything to talk about anyway.

Error came. A flash of relief brushed down to our faces. We made a group hug and started chatting about things.

Then Error started to talk about Ink. I mean. He was blushing yellow all the time we mention his name. So. Our brother has a crush on him?

I giggled at his stuttering words. I want this to last forever.

Until it was time to go. Time to go back in our cells. That was quick.

I stood as Fresh started to cling on my leg. I struggled dragging him over to ours. But Error has to go to his cell. So we said our goodbyes and go to ours.

Days went by. Error has a new roommate. He says it was just his type. But. He says he still likes Ink more. Oh. And his new roommate is named Horror I think? Or was it Sid? Don't even remember.

I sighed. How forgetful can I get?

I coughed blood on the floor and lay down on the 'bed'. I stared at the dripping ceiling. And kept quiet.





'It's too quiet' I thought to myself.

Until I heard growls and Grunts infront of my cell. I looked to see who it was. It was another skeleton. Cracks on his body. And raging aura flow wildly through him.


Wow. That's my only comment.

when the guards threw him in my cell. I just froze.

The good news is. I have a new roommate. The bad news is. He curse.

When the guards left. All I heard from him is cursing whispers.

I sighed as I silently stood up and go to him.

I poked him.

"WHAT THE FUCK-- ..do you want.....?"

I feel his raging aura begin to calm down and silence.

I smiled at him saying "It's no use to keep on mocking them. They'll just ignore you anyway." I exclaimed. And felt him staring at my glitch and my internal bleeding wound.

"Erm. I'm Fell." It introduced. I smiled at the name. It's a little funny but eh. It's kinda cool. I guess.


It jumped for a moment. And he started to show his smile. I blushed. A BIT. Probably because of how hot the room was.

"You mean. Genocide Gaster?"

I freezed. But I nodded my head. It shaked my hand. "Nice to meet you! Looks like ya have a big fan here, Genocide Gaster."

"Er. Please. Call me Geno."

Don't Keep me Waiting~ (An Afterdeath fanfic) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now