Ticket to board a ship.

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*my fic is dying. That's good to hear.*

Weeks later, after Geno has been taken out of the hospital, Reaper has been sneaking in Geno's house when the 'distractions' are gone.

They watch T.V,Play some games, And sometimes Geno would give him a good lesson or two about solving a case. Oh. And did I forgot to mention 'And sometimes make out?'

Yes. You saw it right. They make out. Sometimes Reaper would go too far by teasing Geno. Geno would often escape if he did that, and he was good at it.

Until one night, Reaper sneaked in Geno's house with a disappointed look.

"You alright?" Geno frowned, walking to the tired police officer.

Reaper sighed frustratingly "Someone stole some records about certain people." He replied with a frown.

Geno wasn't satisfied "And?" He couldn't resist saying.

Reaper's face suddenly changed with anger and embarrassment, which was rare for Geno "Someone stole your file." Reaper said disappointingly.

Geno replied with a "Oh. Ok." And He shrugged as he walked off. Reaper was surprised

"Aren't you gonna be worried? Someone could launch at you in any moment and take you away!!" Reaper looked at Geno with a pout. But he was also serious.

Geno sighed and looked at the pouting Reaper "Nope, and plus YOU are the one who is worried, Reaper." He walked to him and put his right hand on Reaper's soft cheekbone.

"I could protect myself Reaper, And if they caught me off guard, it will only take a second for me to make a plan." Geno replies with confidence.

Reaper held onto Geno's hands "What if they caught you?" 

Geno chuckled, which earned a blush at Reaper "Reaper, You know me. I always escape."

Reaper rolled his pinpricks "Really? What about that time behind bars? Or that time when-"

"Okay that's enough." Geno groaned and walked off to his bed and he put all his weight to his bed.... Which was quite light when he's entirely made of bones.

Reaper smirked and walked to Geno "You always escape when I push it too far."

Geno's sockets widened and rolled up when Reaper is already on top of him, trapping him on both sides.

Geno sweated "This trick again? Come on Reaper. I always-"

Reaper bit on Geno's neck which made Geno gasp. Reaper then smirk "This time, I won't let you escape."

Geno gritted his teeth "Not.A.Chance." He replied. As caring and lovable Geno is, He's not the type who would easily give in, unless when he's in the mood. And now. He is a hundred percent not in the mood.

Reaper chuckled "Oh really? Well. I am on a bad day. Maybe you could make it pleasant for me." Reaper licked his teeth.

[teim skip]

And the night continues on with moans and grunts- now let's move on to Error's pov

[Error's Pov]

"BrO, WhErE ArE yOU hEAdEd?" I said, in my usual glitchy tone, while talking to Fresh on the phone.

"I'm going somewhere that's totally cool and rad that you don't have to think about it, yo!" He replied.

I can tell.. "ThE skAtIng pArk?" I groaned. He then chuckled, signaling I was right.

"Correctamundo! That's where I'm headed! I'll see you later, Glitchy!" Fresh said as he hung up. I sighed and looked at my surroundings.

'It's a little tense here. Maybe I should go to the park.' I thought to my myself. I nodded and walked to the park.

Don't Keep me Waiting~ (An Afterdeath fanfic) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now