Dragged along.

505 27 5

Ayyy sorry for the VERY VERY late update :PP


"So. Why are you here,Fell?"

Geno says while leaning on the far side of the wall. Just near him. Was Red. Aka Fell. A skeleton. Like him. They just met eachother so why not get to know eachother?

Fell hesitated for a moment but finally replied. "Well. I robbed a bank with my gang." Geno nods his head and turned curious. "Why?"

Fell looked down and frowned. He seems to be deep in thought. His sockets hollowed and his face was wet. Or sweating. Geno understood what's the feeling so he decides to let him forget about it. Like "oh. Nevermind. I should have known. Sorry." Geno frowned. He lets his curiosity took over him again.

Fell puts on a little smile. Showing his gold colored tooth and sharp teeth. "No. It's okay. I know that you were once an officer. Y'know. Getting some information. Or curiosity. So. It's okay to ask questions. I'll try to answer them." Fell finally said. Feeling a gush of pride filling his body.

Geno was speechless. Not to that its amazing. He just find it insulting. He doesn't know why but he admits that officers are kind of annoying. Not much though. Asking questions that you don't even want to answer.

"No it's okay really. You don't need to answer them. Like a man said. Sometimes Questions are not meant to be answered." He finished.

He felt himself yawn and shuts his sockets close. "Welp. Better get some shut eye. Got a big day tomorrow." He added with one last yawn and walked over to his 'bed'.

Fell just nodded and looked outside. "Yeah. You go on ahead. I need to think for awhile." Geno just said 'mmh' and fall down on the sticky fluffiness sheet of the bed and rested.

Although. He couldn't because his mind keeps on thinking. Preventing him from getting any rest. He just took a deep breath and forced himself to sleep.


[Fell's Pov]

What the heck is wrong with me? Why am I weak infront of a person I just hear about and don't even care? I know I lied to him about being a big fan but. Why am I fucking SOFT? I'm not like this! And I can't believe it. I won't believe it.

My mind kept on driving me insane. So I stopped thinking about it and began to think about puns. They're the only things that make me happy. Well. Except beating someone up of course.

I chuckled. And began to look around the cell. It's just plain old wet stones and metal. Nothing interesting.

I groaned and looked at Genocide Gaster- Er. Geno. I don't know why but I kind of trust the guy. He kinda gives a comforting feeling. He also kinda looks badass because of his scar. Or wound. His glitch on his right eye makes him even looks sicker.


Um. Yeah that's kinda all I have in my mind right now. I don't want to THINK about something else. Why? Because I don't want to.

[Reaper's Pov]

"Ugh." I groaned as I finally finished some papers. And what I meant by some is A LOT of paperwork. Maybe take a nap for a while.

I looked up to the boring ceiling and thought about him. I wonder what's he doing.?

I stood up and head for my coffee machine and make some coffee. I know I always go to cafes but when I'm behind desk I'm not allowed to go outside. Oh well. After doing some things. I hummed a tune. Waiting for it.




And Ting! The things done. I quickly filled my favorite mug that says #1 Office, with coffee. I don't even have a nose but I smelled it. Ah. It smells good..? Whatever.

And just when I was about to drink it, The door slammed open, making me jump and spilled my coffee all over my uniform. SHEET ITS HOT! "ITS BURNING!!" I yelled and a guard quickly handed over some tissues and apologized.


"It's fine. Just remember to fucking knock next time. 'K?"

I grinned and said it with my deepest tone. His body shivered and shaked his head.

"S-Sir. The red guy has been successfully placed into his cell. Some guys got scratches and bites. So they'll be in the clinic for awhile."

I just nodded my head. And refilled my coffee again. "Good. Make sure they'll be okay as soon as possible. Because time is running fast, Carl. Maybe he'll eventually escape the cell and caught off loose again." I smoothly blew onto my coffee and make it less hotter.

I looked at him and saw He successfully calmed himself and raised an eyebrow. "Sir... I'm Ken. Carl's at home healing. He's sick."

"..." Silence.

"Well sorry about that Ken." I apologized while drinking my coffee.

"Don't worry about it sir. I get that all the time. Well. I'm going now. See ya later sir." He fixes his cap and turns. I just made a sound. Noise. And when his hand touches the door knob. It hit me.


He turned to me and gave a curious expression. "Yes Sir?"

"What cell is 'Red' placed again?"

The guy gulped a little but answered. "Cell #6 Sir."

My sockets widened and spit the hell out of my coffee. Ken panicked again and gave me a box of tissues. I grabbed some and wiped my mouth and teeth.



Hope ya'll like it so far.....


You guys totally brighten my day ^^

Don't Keep me Waiting~ (An Afterdeath fanfic) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now