Chapter 2

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*3rd person*

Elphaba smiles. Yero and the twins have been gone for ages. They must be really enjoying themselves. She has had time to tidy everything up. She barely ever gets to do that. The Cottage is actually tidy for once.

Fiyero sits in the forest watching the twins run around, collecting stones, twigs and leaves and piling them up. They were having a great time. Fiyero watched them but also kept an eye on their surroundings. He needed to be really careful. In the cottage they were.. Pretty safe but in the forest they were not safe. Someone could be watching them.. Someone could be.. "Hang on, where is Liir?!" Fiyero looks at Aurora. She frowns "Talking to that man!" She points to a man a bit further on in the forest. "I told him no but.." She frowns "He didn't listen." Fiyero looks at his young daughter "Now listen Aurora. You go back to mummy at the house okay? You wait with mummy" he smiles slightly at the little girl. Aurora looks confused but nods "Okay daddy" she smiles. She starts to wander back to the cottage. Fiyero watches her leave. He frowns. "I hope she gets back safe" he mutters.

Liir yawns and look at the kind man. "My name is Liir and I live with mummy, daddy and Aurora" he beams. The man smiles at him "Wow! Is Aurora your sister?" He says kindly. Liir nods. "I see," says the man with a small smile on his face "how old are you Liir?" Liir holds up three fingers. "Wow" the man chuckles "Three? That's cool! I'm a bit older than that" he grins. Liir smiles "Are you... twenty six?" He guesses. The man laughs "Haha thanks buddy! No I'm actually forty seven" he sighs. Liir looks shocked "Wow" he mutters.

Aurora wanders back to the cottage, picking small flowers as she goes. When she reaches the cottage she knocks on the door. Elphaba goes to the door and opens it, guessing it's Fiyero. She frowns when she sees Aurora on her own. "W.. What's wrong? Is daddy okay? Is your brother okay?" She looks around. Aurora frowns "Umm... Daddy said I should come back. Liir was talking to the man and daddy said 'Aurora go home!' So I did!" She smiles "I got you some flowers though!" She hands Elphaba the flowers. Elphaba smiles "Thank you!" She hugs Aurora "But... I hope your daddy and brother are alright" she says.

Fiyero runs over to the man and picks up Liir "Are you okay Liir? Did the man hurt you? What happened? Why did you come over to this man? Tell me Liir!" He says quickly. The man gapes at Fiyero. His face quickly twists into a glare "You! Prince Tiggular, the man who broke miss Glinda's heart! The man who helped the witch! The man who--" Liir frowns "Daddy who is Glinda?" Fiyero shakes his head to Liir. "I'll tell you another day kid." The man glares "Who is the mother?" Fiyero frowns "Um... Uh... Well she... She... She died!" Liir frowns "No she didn't! Mummy is at home!" He smiles, not knowing what is going on. Fiyero frowns "Oh yes, I forgot" he looks down. The man looks at Liir, his expression changing to something more friendly. "Thank you Liir, now, what is mummys name?" Liir opens his mouth. "Liir!" Fiyero quickly says "Why don't we... leave!?" he starts running.

Elphaba anxiously watches the clock, watching the time go by. She decides she can't just stare at the clock all day. She starts making dinner for everyone. She makes mac and cheese, a favorite of them all. Aurora sighs. She misses her brother. It's only been around, goodness knows, not very long though.

Fiyero runs in the door, panting. Liir smiles "mummy!" He giggles. Elphaba runs over and hugs them both. "Oh guys! I was so worried!" She smiles "Hey Liir honey? Can you go into the bedroom while mummy and daddy talk okay?" Liir nods and runs off. Fiyero tells Elphaba everything. She frowns "Oh dear."

Suddenly there is a bang on the twins bedroom window. Fiyero runs through to the room. The man stares at him before smirking. Elphaba sits in the kitchen waiting for Fiyero to come back through. He runs to her "Hide" He says loudly. Elphaba tries to hide but it is too late. The man stares into the kitchen window and spots her. He gasps before sprinting off.


Hope you enjoyed this chapter. I'm very annoyed as i had to rewrite it as I accidentally deleted it *sigh* but oh well. I really want someone to read this story but nevermind. If you do then.. You are awesome!

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