Chapter 3

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*Glinda's pov*

I was just sitting in my bedroom after a day of partying with my friends when I hear a knock at the door. I get up to go answer the door. It's a guard. He looks very serious. He mutters "Miss Glinda please may I come in?" I let him in "What's wrong?" I frown. The guard starts talking but I tell him to go sit down. He obliges. He opens his mouth to talk again but I interrupt him "Need a drink or something?" I smile. He shakes his head. He starts talking and this time I listen. "Miss Glinda," he frowns "as you know, I was in the forest this morning, and I saw something that shouldn't be possible" he sighs. "Well, what is it?" I bite my lip. The guard looks down "The Wicked witch is alive" he frowns. I gasp and look at the hat on top of my dresser. "No.. No she can't be!" I frown, trying to hold back tears "She died! A few years ago remember?! It can't be her! It can't! It can't!" The guard looks at me "I'm sorry mam" he sighs "And.. Erm.. Prince Tiggular is with her" he stands up "I'll be.. I'll be going now" he quickly walks out.

"Oh Elphie" I sob, clutching the hat "You are alive! Why didn't you tell me you were alive?!" I frown, not knowing whether to feel angry or happy. "I need you Elphie! I needed you!" I cry and fall back onto my bed. "Elphie.. He is back, and Morrible has escaped." I close my eyes and let my tears roll onto my pillows.

*3rd person*

The guard told everyone he saw, and soon the news was all over the City. Rumors were spread, gossip was heard, everyone was scared. They'd heard of the kids aswell. Two children, a boy and a girl. Someone else heard the news, someone very familiar. She had broken out of the jail and was ready to rule the City. She had a plan. A plan on how to make the Ozians love her! By killing them!

*Elphaba's pov*

We are cleaning up the Cottage, getting everything ready to leave. We are going to leave in the morning. We can't stay here. Not with the twins. It's too dangerous. The twins aren't aware of what is going on but they are being a bit more clingy than usual. They have been hugging Fiyero ever since we said we were leaving. I suspect they know more than what we think.

*Fiyero's pov*

Me and the twins are curled up on the red armchair, cuddling before the twins go to bed. Elphaba has been very stressed and is frantically packing. We would leave now but we can't carry everything, not when the twins are so tired and would need us to carry them. Liir looks at me with his big, blue eyes. He frowns "Is it my fault we have to leave?" I hug him and sigh "No Liir! It's the mans fault! You did nothing wrong" I smile slightly. Liir frowns "daddy, if I didn't talk to the man would we still leave our house?" I shake my head slowly "I dont know Liir" i sigh.

I pick up the twins and place them in their beds, tucking them in and kissing their little foreheads. They smile "I love you daddy" they say at the same time. I chuckle "Love you guys too"

*3rd person*

The twins lay asleep in their beds. Everyone in the cottage was sleeping. The only noises you could hear were the hooting of an owl, and branches swaying in the wind. It was very peaceful. Except.. Someone was there, watching the twins through the window. She had been waiting for this moment. She quickly opened the window and watched the kids for a while. They were sleeping so peacefully. They were sound asleep. The woman quietly snuck into the window and snatched the twins. She climbed back out the window and ran to hide. She slowly made her way back to the city, the twins asleep in her arms. She cackles before walking into the city.

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