Chapter 10

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*Elphabas pov*

A few weeks have passed and me and Yero are both trying to find jobs. I have decided I want to work in the book store and he doesn't know what he wants to do. Today I am going to ask about a job in the book store and also... I'm a bit scared... My period didn't come this month. I am going to pick up a pregnancy test today.

When I get to the book store everyone looks at me for a second before a young girl smiles at me "Hello, can we help you?" She fixes her glasses. I nod "Yes, I was actually wandering if I could get a job here?" I say hopefully. People in the store are still gaping at me. I ignore them. They should have seen me before. The young girl smiles "Sure! When would you be able to start?" She asks. I smile, a bit puzzled "It's that easy?" The girl nods. I grin "Alright! I can start tomorrow if you want?" The girl giggles "Sure! Oh, I'm Rosanna by the way."

I leave the book store feeling great! I've got a job! I enter the shop in the middle of the street and look for a pregnancy test. I grab one off of the shelf and go to pay.

The cashier smiles at me as I walk out. I'm pretty nervous. I don't think I am pregnant I think my period was just... Late this month. I slowly walk home. The walk normally takes 5 minutes. I arrive home and gulp. I don't know why I'm so scared.

When I go inside I hide the test. The twins run up to me and hug me "Mummy! We missed you!" Liir shouts. Fiyero comes over and kisses my forehead "How was it Fae?" He asks. I smile "I got the job!" I giggle. He grins "That's awesome!" He hugs me. "Now, want some lunch? I can go get some?" He suggests. I smile "Alright, you can go get food then." I nod. "Take the kids okay?" I sigh. He nods "Come on Aurora, Liir. Shoes on!" He chuckles "Let's go get some lunch!" He sings. Aurora giggles at him.

When they leave Glinda runs up to me "Elphie! Is that..." She frowns. I suddenly break down "Oh Glin I think I might be pregnant help me!" I cry. She hugs me "Oh Elphie, it's okay! Don't cry!" She wipes my tears "Let's do the test okay? Then we will know for sure" she pushes me to the bathroom. A second later she sighs "You done?" She says impatiently. I sigh "No not yet Glin."

A couple minutes later I am in the bathroom, waiting for the tests result. It suddenly appears. Two faint little red lines. I look at the packaging and gasp. I burst out crying again. I open the bathroom door and show Glinda. She gasps "Elphie!! Liir and Aurora are gonna have a little brother or sister!" She hugs me. She takes me and sits me down on the couch. "Elphie listen, it's gonna be okay, alright? Don't worry! Fiyero is gonna be so excited! He is a great dad!" She smiles. I nod and smile, wiping my eyes "Thanks Glin" I look at her. She hugs me. "Well, how are you gonna tell him?" She smiles slightly. I frown "I dunno, maybe I will show him the test.." I sigh.

Fiyero returns home, with enough food to feed 100 people. He grins, obviously proud of the amount of food he bought. "Look guys! We have enough food to last us... A week!" He smiles. I laugh "Oh Yero... I love you" I chuckle. He kisses me. "Hey Fae?" He says, "Wanna go on a date tonight? At that romantic place... Restaurant?" He winks. I laugh "Alright!" I smile. Glinda smiles "So can I look after the twins?" She says hopefully. The twins smile "Yes! Can she?" They look at me. I nod "Sure."

A couple hours later, me and Fiyero leave the Cottage and go to a fancy restaurant. It is very cute and pretty. When we go inside, I notice a lot of candles. They are very nice and smell really good. A waiter takes us to our table, a small table in the middle of the restaurant. The place is pretty quiet, with only a few other people there. When we get the menus, I notice the prices. It's a pretty expensive little place. Everything sounds so good, a lot of fancy foods, I notice. Fiyero decides he wants pizza, seriously! A fancy restaurant and he gets pizza! I finally decide I will just have some Alfredo pasta. While we are waiting for the food we chat. The topic of children comes up and I smile "So, Yero. Would you like another kid?" I ask, hoping the answer is yes. He nods "Absolutely! I love kids!" He smiles. I grin "Well, look" I hand him the pregnancy test. I gasps "Oh my... Fae! You're pregnant!" He shouts. Everyone looks at him. He decides to shout it again "She is pregnant!" He smiles.


Yeah the story is terrible I know but who cares.. (everyone)

Okay but seriously though.. Okay bye.

P.S I am still off school!

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