Chapter 13

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*Fiyero's pov* *a month later*

I'm gonna do it! I am! I'm gonna propose! Today is the day! I've saved up all my money, bought a ring, and I'm gonna propose. I've told Elphaba we are going on a picnic. Glinda is happily looking after the twins. We are taking Emerald with us. Elphaba has packed us a huge picnic. I've made sure to slip the box into my pocket and I am eagerly waiting to go. Finally Elphaba is ready and we slip out the door. We go onto a little hill, with a beautiful view. "So, Fae" I smile. Elphaba smiles at me "Yes Yero?" She smiles "Wow its a beautiful day" she looks around. I smile "Yeah." We start eating the picnic. I'm waiting for a good time to propose. I decide after the picnic I will propose. Elphaba smiles and we happily talk and laugh. Emerald watches us both. Elphaba giggles "So Fiyero, could life get any better than this?" She smiles. I nod "Actually.. It could." I say, getting on one knee. "My beautiful Fae," I pull the box out of my pocket "I love you with all my heart, and I am willing to give up anything for you" I open the box, revealing a ring "So, will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?" I smile. She starts crying "Yes! Of course! I love you Yero!" She hugs me. I smile and kiss her. I slip the ring on her finger. She is crying so much and all I do is sit and hug her. Emerald stares at Elphaba until she picks her up. "Oh Em look! Look at the beautiful ring! Isn't it wonderful?" She smiles. "Oh Yero" she hugs me again.

When we get home Elphaba wastes no time before running to Glinda. "Glin! Look!" She shows her the ring. Glinda grins "Oh my gosh Elphie!!" She hugs her. Elphaba smiles at me.

*a month later*

We are still planning our wedding and we are as happy as ever. Life is perfect. We can't wait for our wedding and we can't wait to watch our beautiful children grow up. Everything is great.

I can't wait for the new adventures life throws at us.


Hello my friends this is the end of the story ;-; I really hope you liked it. It got worse as it went through... But oh well!! I hope you all have a great life and you are all fine okay bye! 😀

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