Chapter 8

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*Glinda's pov*

At the Cottage we all get settled down. Liir and Aurora lie in bed while Elphaba tells them a story. Fiyero is getting ready for bed so I'm left in the living room alone. I decide to read a little magazine that was here when we got here. It's pretty old. Oh well, I start reading it. Elphie comes through and smiles "Me and Yero are going to sleep okay?" I nod. Elphaba smiles "Goodnight Glin" she yawns. I grin "Night" I look at her before turning back to the magazine. I slowly fall asleep.

Suddenly I am woken by the sound of a door. I turn around and see Liir and Aurora. "W.. What are you guys doing?" I ask. I look outside and it's pitch black. Aurora frowns "Going home" Liir nods "Yes! We forgot our stuff" he frowns. I look down "What kind of stuff?" I ask. Liir smiles "Our teddy! And our book! We also left our clothes!" He continues opening the door. I get up and pick the twins up "Back to bed okay? You can't leave on your own" I smile. The twins sigh. "Fine!" Aurora says. I take them back to bed. "This is a lovely room you guys!" They nod and I put them into their own beds. I sigh, now wide awake and go back to the couch to finish the magazine.

What was that about being wide awake? I must have dozed off again because I was suddenly woken by Liir. It's bright outside now. He smiles "Sowwy" he giggles. "I didn't know you were sleeping" he smiles innocently. Aurora marches through "He did! He is just pretending!" She frowns. I smile "Okay well... Can I go back to sleep?" Liir pouts "Or... Can you play with us?" He suggests. I laugh "alright then, what are we going to play?" I ask. Liir yawns "Maybe... Cooks?" He smiles and points to the oven. "We just pwetend to be cooks at a restaurant" he smiles. I sigh "Alrighty then." I rub my eyes and slowly get off the couch. The twins giggle. Liir smiles "I will be the cooker! You guys sit down" he smiles. He runs to the kitchen area. He grabs an apple and brings it to me. He gives Aurora an orange. He giggles. "Eat up now!" He smiles. I pretend to eat the apple and put it back in the fruit bowl. Aurora throws the orange into the kitchen. Liir frowns "Hey I cooked that for you!" He looks at me "Did you like it?" He smiles. I nod "It was delicious" I smile.

I start making actual food. I make bacon for breakfast. I know everyone here will like it.. I mean, who doesn't like bacon?! I giggle and put the bacon onto some plates. Fiyero comes through rubbing his eyes. "Ooh bacon" He grins. The twins run over and hug him. "Love you daddy!" Aurora smiles. Fiyero chuckles "I love you too" Elphaba comes through slowly and we all sit down to enjoy our bacon.


I know this chapter is terrible but

1. I just wanted to write something

2. It's nearly 1am.

3. I dont know what to write

Okay bye I might write tomorrow but I'm not promising anything! ♥

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