Chapter 9

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*3rd person*

Fiyero smiles and stands up, being the first to finish the bacon. "Well, thanks Glin it was awesome" he smiles and she nods to acknowledge him. He kisses Elphabas forehead before walking to their bedroom. Aurora finishes her bacon and runs to see Fiyero. "Daddy! Can we go on a walk please! Just us not Liir too?" She pleads to Fiyero. Fiyero chuckles.

About 30 minutes later Fiyero and Aurora go through to the kitchen. Aurora is grinning like mad. "Me and daddy are going for a walk! By ourselves!" She giggles. Liir pouts "Well I am going with mummy and Glinda!" He sticks his tongue out at her. Aurora sighs "I dont care! I have daddy!" She hugs Fiyero. Elphaba laughs "Aurora, Liir, be kind to each other please" she says while looking at Liir. Liir nods. Aurora jumps up and down. Fiyero chuckles.

*Fiyero's pov*

Aurora and I are just away to leave to go on a walk. Aurora is super excited and is standing at the door waiting for me. Finally I am ready and we walk out the door. Aurora giggles and skips around. I laugh and copy her, making her giggle more. I smile and grab her hand "Let's go explore this place!"

The town is bigger than I thought! It's got shops, bookstores, restaurants, a pub, a church and even a school! It's great! I take Aurora into a shop and buy her some chocolate. We also get some for Liir! I get some for Elphaba and Glinda too! (With the money I took from Glins room.) Aurora happily eats her chocolate and dances around as she does so! We walk around a corner and see a park! Aurora runs towards it and bumps into a man. She falls down and starts crying. The man frowns "I'm so sorry" he says to her. I quickly run over and hug Aurora "Hey Aurora it's alright" I kiss her cheek. Aurora sniffles and looks at me. The man sighs "I'm very sorry" he apologises. I smile "No need to apologise, she ran into you!" I pick up Aurora "Now, what do you say?" I look at her. She wipes her eyes "Sowwy" she looks down. The man smiles and continues walking. Aurora giggles and points to the park. I sigh and smile "Sure but don't run" I put her down and she runs to the park. I roll my eyes. I walk to the park and she giggles. I notice some other little kids there. "Aurora! Look! Some little kids for you to play with!" I chuckle. Aurora gasps amd runs over to a little girl, sitting alone on the grass. I sit on a bench, next to a tall, muscly guy. I stare at his muscles for a while, comparing them to mine. He raises an eyebrow at me and I smile. He looks at Aurora "That your daughter?" He asks. I nod and he smiles "Oh, that's my daughter, the little girl she is playing with" he chuckles "They look like they are having fun!" He smiles. I look over at the girls and indeed, they are having lots of fun. They are giggling and playing in a little tree house.

A couple minutes later the girls run over to us giggling. "Daddy! Daddy this is my friend Aurora!" The little girl smiles at her dad. The muscly guy smiles "Wow Alice! That's cool! Hello Aurora" he smiles. Aurora grins "Hi!" She giggles. Muscly guy smiles.

Around 30 minutes later, Aurora runs over to me "Daddy I'm hungry!" She sighs. Alice quickly comes over too and says the same thing to her dad. "Ooh daddy can Alice and her daddy come to our house Oh pretty please! Please daddy and Alice can meet Liir and we can play in the house please I will be the best behaved girl ever!" Aurora practically yells at me. Muscly guy laughs "I'm not sure your daddy will--" I interrupt "Sure!" I say without thinking "Unless.. You're busy?" Muscly guy shakes his head "We're free" he smiles. Aurora looks at me "So... Yes or no?" She squints. I laugh "Yes!" The girls grin and hug each other "Yippee!"

After a short walk home we all go into the Cottage. Elphaba comes through "Wow.. Umm... Fiyero!" She smiles. Muscly guy smiles and walks up to her "Uh.. Hey! My name is Matt, Uh.. This is my daughter Alice," he beckons to Alice "We live over near the book store." He puts his hand out to her to shake. Elphaba shakes his hand "I'm Elphaba" she smiles. Glinda comes through "Hi my name is Glinda, I'm single!" Elphaba rolls her eyes "Glin!" Glinda giggles "Sorry, nice to meet you" she nods to Matt (a.k.a muscly guy). Matt smiles "I'm Matt, I am.. Also single" he chuckles lightly. Glinda gasps. Elphaba sighs "Sorry about her."

Liir comes through from the bedroom "Aurora!" He runs to Aurora and hugs her. Aurora giggles and smiles. Alice watches and laughs at the twins.

I start making lunch for everyone. I just make simple toasties, as it's the only thing I dont screw up. When the toasties are done the kids sit at the table and us adults sit elsewhere. Matt takes a bit of his toastie "mm that's good Fiyero!" He smiles. I thank him and whisper to Elphaba about being jealous of Matts muscles. Elphaba laughs "Yero you are ridiculous!" She smiles with humour. I glance over at Matt and smile.

Liir seems to get on with Alice too which is good. The kids have been playing all afternoon! Matt and I, however, have been talking about manly things. He tells me about his wife, and how she passed away a year ago. I frown "I'm sorry" I mutter. It must be so hard for him. He nods "It's been a year, I'll never forget her but.. The wound is healing" he murmurs. "It is worse for Alice." He looks at his daughter.

At around 4 in the afternoon Matt and Alice leave, disappointing the twins greatly. Elphaba smiles "You can see Alice soon!" She looks at the twins. "We'll go back to the park soon!" I say. They nod and decide that is a good idea.

After dinner the twins both fall asleep straight away and we put them to bed. Glinda goes out to look around and me and Elphaba are left alone to talk and things like that...


Helloooooo, today I was off school ill but I'll be going back tomorrow maybe (If I feel better). Thanks for reading!! Alrighty then! Bye bye! Also shout out to my cousin Alice since I used her name!!


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