💣 Lit 💣

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I got tagged by dreamblackstar

* Title must be Lit
* You can't refuse
* Must be done in a week, if not post a picture of you dancing
* You can't reply to comments
* Tell 13 facts about yourself
* Tag 15 people

Ahhh ok here it goes

1) My favorite color is green, even my room and my car is green
2) My dog Luna is a three year old black toy poodle
3) My middle name is Rose, my nickname my family uses is Panda
4) My spirit animal is the Blue Jay
5) I'm sixteen and in college
6) I have small cut marks on my left wrist
7) I have a birthmark on the back of my right thigh that is the size of a quater
8) I am a descendant of Clan Hay of Scotland
9) I have scoliosis that measures at a 21° angle
10) I'm 5'5" and around 118 pounds
11) I have black hair and very dark brown eyes and cookie colored skin
12) Survivor of bullying and severe depression
13) Aspiring lead game designer

I tag you! Sorryyy this is all random picks 😂🙏
IcyTheFurry General_Blueberry87 daryldixonbadass MegLPie Holly_Redfox Crowley1967 SarahOakenshield _thrnduil eleanorgamgee Nathalie_95 eucalyptuskisses kutekittykat8265 Musical_Lady_7 xMsMalfoyx siana312

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