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Requested by deepestfirefun :) 

Ship: Thorin x reader

Summary: Thorin is turned into a dragon by accident.


Ori was currently fighting a headache as he sat cross-legged on the chair at the royal library, spurting quiet mumbles to himself. You and Thorin had fallen in love throughout the adventures to the Lonely Mountain, and you were to be officially named Queen of Erebor within three hours and he was to make a speech at your coronation. 

He scratched out yet another sentence on his parchment, searching through the ancient book of Khuzdul to find the right words to add to his speech. He knew this speech had to be meaningful to you, as you both grew close to each other throughout the perilous journey, resembling a tight-knit relationship of a brother and sister. He loved you dearly and was truly honored that Thorin had allowed him to speak, knowing rarely anyone besides the king himself could speak at a Queens coronation celebration.

He tested out the words he wrote down from the book, hoping that they would sound better than what he imagined them to sound like. Little did poor Ori know what he had just said aloud in ancient Khuzgul.

"Ezam aya mênu, satf ni al urus u al ubraz urkhas. Laì! Ugrùd ni atama u ni darfùn.

Translation: Hatred upon you, step in the fire of the gold demon. Behold! Fear the breath of the killer."

The words flowed from his mouth and into the air of the library, sending a chill to run down his spine and the hairs on his arm to stand up underneath his tunic. He dismissed the sudden chill of the cold air and continued on with making his speech, unaware of the transparent cold mist that traveled from the library to the nearest living host that walked down the corridors: Thorin.

The king didn't feel the mist enter his nose, nor did he feel it travel down his throat and into his lungs. He was clearly too preoccupied carrying the fragile wood carved box in his hands as he made his down to your shared chambers, a wide smile taking up residence on his bearded cheeks. 

Inside your room, you let out a nervous breath as the maids made sure the Durin royal blue dress you were wearing was as perfect as possible in preparation for your coronation.

As the dwarrowdam's fixed the loose hair that draped onto your forehead the door to your bedroom was opened, revealing a smiling Thorin standing in the doorway. "Thank you ladies, you are excused." Thorin said, the maids bowed in respect and left the room with their sewing kits and brushes.

You walked up to him and put your arms around his broad shoulders- relaxing your mind as you breathed in the familiar scent of pipeweed and pine. As you tried to close the distance between the two of you to lock lips, you noticed that something he was holding was blocking your advances towards your lover.

"Thorin, what's that box for?" You asked, eyeing the wooden carved box, looking over the runes and jewels that decorated the lid. "This is yours to keep, a sign that you are mine and that you will be at my side for as long as we both live." He whispered out, the gentleness in his deep velvety voice made your heart skip a beat.

His calloused hands opened the top of the lid, revealing a delicate crown inlaid with the Arkenstone itself. You gasped as your hands came to cover your mouth in astonishment, unshed tears welling in the back of your eyes. He smiled approvingly at your reaction, taking out the golden crown and setting it upon your head.

"Your not only the queen of this kingdom but also the heart of it as well. You are now the heart of Erebor and the beat my heart drums to. I love you so much it hurts, amrâlimê." He watched as your (e/c) eyes glistened with happiness and tears, taking your lips softly as the fireplace crackled.

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