Sparks by the Water (Pt 2)

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A part two requested for my previous prompt Sparks by the Water :) Enjoy the fluffy feels!


"Do you miss it?" You looked from your view of the forest to the dwarf that sat in front of you on the pony that kept a steady pace with the others creating a neat line behind them. You rose your brow in question as you stared at the back of Thorin, watching as his black and silver hair swayed with the movement of the pony. "Miss what?"

He glanced over his shoulder at you, overlooking your reaction as he spoke. "Do you miss your river? I do not regret having you here with me, let alone finding my One in my lifetime... but don't you long for your home the farther we go on this journey?" You smiled at him as you turned your gaze to the warm sunlight filtering through the trees, illuminating your (e/c) eyes.

You hummed as you turned back to look into his eyes, a grin forming on your cheeks. "I won't deny my want to be in the water, but I also won't deny the want in my heart that is stronger. I want to be with you Thorin, even if it meant following you to the end of world and back. As a mermaid, especially one who lives in the rivers of a forest- it can get quite lonely you know. I'd rather spend my entire life away from the call of water then spend the rest of my long life in the water without you." 

His jaw tightened and the lump in his throat slowly dissipated. How long had it been since he felt his heart move like this? How long since the light airiness filled his eyes and his shoulders relaxed like this? He held back the sensation of his eyes misting over as he exhaled. He had waited his entire life to hear those words- and to hear them flutter from your lips only made it better.

"Break for an hour! Water the ponies and tie them up." Thorin couldn't take it anymore, he needed to tell you; especially after what you had said to him. You took his extended hand as you got off the pony, watching him curiously as he hastily tied his pony's reins to a nearby tree branch.

"Come." His blue eyes stared into yours as he took your hand, his large calloused hands covering yours in warmth. From the short few days you got to know your soulmate, it was clear he was a dwarf of few words who was more often than not likely to speak with the expressions of his eyes rather than his words. You couldn't tell what he wanted to talk about, but from the pained expression in his eyes, you could tell from a glance that what he wanted to say to you was important to him.

At the fast pace he was leading you, it didn't take long to find a fallen tree to sit on and talk without the worry of being interrupted by any nosy dwarves. He finally stopped to let you catch your breath as he made sure the two of you weren't followed. "Thorin what is going on with-" You were stopped short as he embraced you, even at his short stature compared to the other races of Middle Earth he still was able to rest his chin on your head.

"I just need a moment to collect myself." He mumbled out, his arms wrapped firmly around your back and waist while he inhaled the scent of your hair. Concerned for him you rubbed soothing circles on his armored and fur cloaked back, humming softly in an attempt to calm him down. "What troubles you love?" You whispered out as you listened to the strong beating of his heart next to your ear.

"Things just pile up sometimes... protecting and guiding the company, the weight of reclaiming my kingdom for my people- it all is a heavy weight on my shoulders. But, now that I know I found you my One, I fear that I won't be able to protect you- that I won't be able to save you like I failed to do with my people, my kingdom, my father..." He said quietly, not wanting to look you in the eyes. Not like this, not in front of you.

You didn't know what to say to this new information, sure- you had seen the tired and stressed glint in his eyes every now and then, but you didn't think it went this deep. The dwarf you had become to know over the few days you had met was stoic, reserved and definitely DID NOT show weakness in front of his company.  It made sense now why he had hastily led you away, not wanting to lose the image of his strong kingly outer-appearance to his loyal followers.

Hugging him tight to comfort him you spoke softly," I didn't always live in that river, but I was given the charge of guarding it with all of the orcs coming closer to shore and what not. It was a huge responsibility to make sure that no evil creature passed my river and made it to the shores of the ocean towards my people. But when I met you, I felt like all of that weight fell off when you smiled at me." He released his grip on your back to look into your eyes as you continued," When I realized you were my soulmate I sent word to have someone guard it in my stead, and now I can focus on helping you carry the weight that has been thrown on you. It's a long road to travel my Thorin, but you don't have to travel there alone."

He breathed out in relief as he slowly leaned towards your face, his breath mingling with yours and your noses touching. Carefully and softly, he took your lips in a gentle, yet passionate kiss. It wasn't a full-blown lustful kiss, but one that made your heart flutter and a quiet sigh begging to escape your mouth. It was perfect, soft, tender and pouring with emotions and thoughts that didn't need to be said at that moment.

When his lips parted from yours in a quiet 'pop', his eyes had turned such a bright shade of blue it looked like an empty blue summer sky, and you couldn't help but get lost in them. In that peaceful moment, it was obvious that kiss was going to be the start of many but now you could let out a sigh of content to say you had finally found the one to be your first and your last.

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