Memories for a Lifetime

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Request from Wattpad! Enjoy! ;D

Ship: Dwalin x (human) reader


Dwalin had been eying you all morning. You had been shivering all throughout the night while he was on watch. You had tossed and turned enough to where he lost count, simply watching on in restraint as your brows furrowed and you mumbled as you once again flipped over onto your side.

He wanted to scoop you up in his arms and make sure you were never cold or uncomfortable ever again. He wanted to give you a warm home and a soft bed you could fall asleep in without tossing in your sleep, while he would share his body heat with his One. But, he was a seasoned dwarf warrior, and you were a human woman. Although he dreamed and fantasized your life together, he dreaded that you were human.

You being human meant he would have to watch you grow old and fragile without him and eventually die long before he would. His fist clenched at the thought, watching the light from your (e/c) eyes leave you; and the worst part? He wouldn't be able to stop it. He would have to watch his One, his soulmate die of old age long before his beard would turn white. In all honesty, he was a confused mess.

He wanted you, bad. But, at the same time, he knew that if he let himself fall under the spell of love, his heart would eventually leave without him and replace itself with a void hole that could never be filled. He had seen it before, dwarves and human relationships crush themselves because of their racial limits.

And so, he simply draped his blanket over you and held himself back from cuddling you. Even he; one of the strongest dwarves in the company and former Captain of the Royal Guard, was scared. This didn't fly over the head of his brother Balin though, as the elderly dwarf watched the scene with saddened eyes.

He trudged over to his brother who was sulking while sharpening two battle axes, a sigh escaping his mouth. "You know, you should get her before its too late." Dwalin glared at Balin, the pressure he was putting on his axes increasing. "She deserves to grow old with one of her own kind, I don't deserve her." He grumbled out, side-glancing his brother who was sitting next to him.

"What if she doesn't want anyone else, what if she thinks she doesn't deserve you? Wouldn't you rather take the chance and spend as much time with your One than never even talking to her, knowing that you could've had her in your arms all that time?" With a heave, Balin stood up and went back to his bedroll, a satisfied smile on his face as he settled in for the night.

With those words in his head, he knew what he had to do, and woke up Thorin to tell him exactly his plan for the next morning.


You yawned as you sat on your horse, waiting for everyone to pack up so the company could get going on the road. "(y/n), can I have a moment?" You turned your head in surprise as you saw Dwalin standing by your pony, his arms crossed and a hard look on his face. With a warm blush on your cheeks, you jumped down from your horse as you followed your crush through the forest to a clearing.

You sucked in air as you looked around at the spring flowers and swaying green grass, a bright smile appearing on your face. You didn't notice that Dwalin was watching you with parted lips, wanting to make you smile like that for all eternity.

Focusing back on the dwarf you secretly fell in love with, you smiled at him as you took a step towards him. "This is beautiful Dwalin, what did you want to talk about?" You tilted your head in question, making him blush at your cuteness.

"(y/n)... I have to tell you something; something that- if I'm being honest, I'm scared to tell you." He walked towards you, backing you against a large boulder, only a few inches in front of your face, his hot breath mingling with yours. Your legs were shaky as you licked your lips, eager to find your voice. "You- Scared? Sounds pretty serious..." You managed out, looking at him through your lashes.

He gulped hard as he eyed you, leaning in closer. "I have known for a while now that you are my One, but I was scared because we are of different species, that I don't even deserve you. I love ya lass, but I'd understand if you wanted a human man who--" His brown eyes widened as he processed what was happening, the action upon him so sudden.

You had stood on your tipy toes and was kissing him, your hands resting on his firm chest. He shook off his shock and kissed you, wrapping his burly arms around your back and waist, picking you up bridal style as if you weighed as much as a feather.

With a rare grin hiding under his beard he twirled you around, earning him a surprised squeal from you as your (h/l) (h/c) hair bounced about. "I'll take that kiss as a an affirmation lass." You giggled as you leaned on his chest, hearing his strong and fast heart beat.

In that single moment never had his heart swell this much, or his heart beat so fast. Not even in battle with adrenaline flowing had Dwalin ever felt this way. In that single moment he knew he had made the right decision, even if it meant watching you grow old.

Because while he held you snuggly in his arms, he now understood that even though your time together would seem short, moments like these would last himself a lifetime.

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