A True Family

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Requested by a user who wanted to remain anonymous :)

WARNING: This may contain triggers as this is a story about grief, cutting, and death.

Ship: None, a fluff and grief story

Summary: The reader has cuts on their arms due to losing their One (the reader is a dwarf) and the company finds out at Rivendell. You have the power to conjure memories and show how your One died. After BOTFA reader is remembered by the company for saving the line of Durin with your life.


You sat down on the stone bench in the gardens of Rivendell, a tired glint in your (e/c) eyes. Your head turned around as you checked to make sure the coast was clear before you rolled up your silky (fav color) sleeves to examine your arm, your (h/l) (h/c) hair falling around your shoulders.

You kept your secret well hid and guarded, and so far no one had noticed a thing. You had started to cut your wrists not long after your beloved died, which had been the only relief you had from the torturous memories that would cascade your mind.

You gazed over the old scars and of the new ones you did when you had bad nights. "Fancy seeing you here." Came the familiar voice of your brotherly like friend Fili, who had strolled into the area you had thought was secluded. You quickly snapped your head up and desperately pulled down your sleeve, faking a smile and holding your head high.

Fili eyed you suspiciously, slowly approaching you. "(Y/n), are you wounded? If so the elves can surely patch you up." He now stood towering over you, his blue-green eyes looking at your covered arm.

"Huh? Oh, it's nothing... just looking at old scars from home." You faked a grin as best as you could. "Alright, then let me see it." He said as he crossed his arms over his chest, clearly not convinced. You stood up, backing away a little as you swung your arms casually; something Fili quickly noticed.

"Show me (y/n), now." His voice lost his playful attitude, taking up a demanding authority of a king. You shook your head as you stepped back, only for him to step forward. "Show me or I will have to examine it myself, let me help you."

"I-I can't." You said, thinking up a plan to run off as fast as you could. As soon as you made a hasty step backward's he sprinted towards you, grabbing you by your hands. You yelped as you both fell back, falling onto the soft dirt path below.

He held you by your waist and arm as he rolled up your sleeve, earing a squeak of pain as the fabric rubbed against your now opened scabs. His eyes widened as looked at them, instantly seeing they were straight and clean cut. This only meant one thing, you were cutting your own wrists with a knife.

He hid the tears in the back of his eyes as he realized that some were very old, while others were quite recent. "Why... why would you do this to yourself (y/n)?" He whispered out, watching as you clenched your jaw and turned your face away. Silent tears rolled down your cheeks while your lip quivered to keep yourself quiet.

He hugged you tightly before standing up hoisting you in his arms, careful to cradle you but to also firmly keeping you from escaping his grasp. He knew exactly what you needed, and he had no intention of letting you go run off; especially after what he learned. You didn't mind being held and comforted, at least until you realized where you were heading that is.

He was taking you back to the company. You struggled against him, banging your fists on his fur armor- not affecting him in the slightest though. Now you really let the tears fall as you began to panic, imagining the company who you considered family sneering and disappointed in your actions against yourself.

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