Sparks by the Water (Pt 3)

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Hello again! I was largely requested to a part 3 to my writings Sparks by the Water. For most of my writings I know about dwarven culture in Middle Earth but not Merfolk, so I took the initiative to see what Tolkien's world said about them and tried to implement as much of the 'waterfay' culture that was available to me and improvised on the rest :) If your interested you can look at the same link I took my info from! : 

Enjoy :D!


It hadn't taken long for the company to fully warm up to you, although it's not like there's much of a way to dislike a creature such as yourself. Being Thorin's One definitely helped to get on their good side, but you had mostly won them over by telling such beautiful and fantastical stories of your home and your people. The dwarves were a secretive race, but yours was more so- intriguing them in all that you spoke about.

Sitting near the small fire that was the makeshift camp you thought over these things. "(y/ n)? Do you think you can tell us another story? Please?" Ori, who was sitting next to you, nudged you with pleading brown eyes filled with curiosity, arousing the attention of many of the others around you. You chuckled at their eagerness to huddle around you to get in better hearing range.

Clearing your throat and leaning against Thorin who sat on your right you gazed around them all with questioning (e/c) eyes. "What would you like me to tell about tonight?" With a few short bickering shouts came an answer you hadn't expected. "Everything you haven't told us already." You laughed at their wide eyes, glancing up at Thorin who had his eyes gazing down at you the whole time.

"Well, as you know I lived in the river you had stopped by in the forest, however, that was not my first home and was simply temporary as I was stationed as a guard. My home kingdom lies deep within the ocean caves where sunlight does not reach and ocean life relies on glowing fungus and fish to light our way." Many stared at you in understanding as they too were home to deep underground cities, where only fire was the light given off.

"It isn't your average kingdom of what you'd find on land at all. In the kingdom of waterfay's and nymphs, there are only females as we are immortal much like the elves, but can be killed like any other race. However, we are given a soulmate to find and start a family together- if the waterfay chooses to leave the kingdom that is. Many never leave, as lesser Ainu spirits we can be quiet valuable if caught so it was a miracle for Thorin and I to meet." You slightly squeezed his hand as your audience conversed about the news before a deep voice broke the chitchat.

"No, it wasn't a miracle- it was destiny," Thorin said with confidence, planting a soft yet firm kiss upon your hair. This time it was Bofur spoke up to ask a question," Is it true merfolk have magical singin' powers (y/n)?" You smiled and opened your mouth to speak when you were interrupted by distant screaming and shouting pulled the mood from comfortable to startled. "Kili! Fili! Bilbo!" Everyone had sprung up with weapons in hand to go sprinting off into the bushes, Thorin placing his hand on your shoulder.

"Stay here (y/n), I will not risk my One being in danger or being killed." He didn't give you a chance to reply as he rushed after the trail of running dwarves. You huffed as you started running after them, "Stay here my ass!" You muttered as you maneuvered over fallen trees and dense forest undergrowth.

It didn't take very long to catch up to the company, but when you made it to the treeline you were already too late. All of the dwarves, including Bilbo, were in sacks either roasting over a fire or had been haphazardly thrown into a makeshift dwarf pile. Quickly thinking up a plan you took a deep breath and stepped out of the bushes with your head tall and your senses fully attentive to the repulsive trio of cave trolls who now turned to you in surprise. 

"Is that another burglar-hobbit?" You rose your hand in the direction of the dwarves, preparing to protect them from your magic you closed your eyes. "Can we eat this one too?" It was now when you opened your eyes it was obvious to all that you weren't your average girl. Your (e/c) eyes had turned to a ghostly white and your usual (h/l) (h/c) hair was now a pearly shade of white, small traces of your (f/c) scales forming on your cheeks and arms. 

"Upon one summer's morning, I carefully did stray, down by the river's shore where I met a brave dwarf king..."

"Conversing with a young lad who seemed to be in pain saying, Thorin, when you leave I fear you'll never return again."

"My heart is pierced Cupid, I disdain all glittering gold, there is nothing can console me, but my jolly dwarf bold."

Your voice rang out through the forest, the wind whispering your words like an echo. The trolls were under your spell now, their eyes glazed over and their previously raised arms to attack you were now limp at their sides. You had to think of something quick, casting a shield around the dwarves from your voice was draining your magic; and fast. 

"His hair it hangs in black locks, his eyes as blue as ice, my happiness attend him wherever he may go."

"From Lake Town to the Mountain I'll wander, weep and moan all for my jolly dwarf until we reach his home."

"My heart is pierced by Cupid, I disdain all glittering gold, there is nothing can console me, but my jolly dwarf bold."

Your knees were shaky and your hand was wavering, your strength for holding off the trolls and protecting the dwarves and hobbit were just too much without preparation. You barely got the chance to look towards Gandalf who was standing on a large boulder with his staff raised above his head.

"May the dawn take you!" With those words and the splitting of the boulder, the trolls were frozen as stone statues and you were finally relieved to know your One and your friends were safe. "(y/n)!" You could hear Thorin shout your name as you fell to your knees, all of your energy drained.

It didn't take much for him to break free from his sack, rushing to your side in a panic. "(y/n) I told you to stay back... you silly mermaid." He picked you to hold you bridal style, hugging you safely into his strong chest. 

Relaxing in his embrace with your strength slowly but surely returning to you, you cracked a grin as you looked up to him. "Do you really think when those sparks ignited by my waters I'd let you go so easily?" Shaking his head with a smile on his face he planted a passionate and delicate kiss on your lips. "No, but don't expect I will let you go so easily either- my little mermaid."

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