Wallflower, my Flower

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A writing I had made a while back and figured others might enjoy it too :)

(thorin x reader)


You were being summoned to talk to Thorin according to Fili and Kili, the only two on the king's good side currently. You sighed as you hoped he wouldn't ask you about the Arkenstone as you clearly knew that he had the dreadful dragon-sickness spending so much time with the gold.

You slowly opened the heaving stone door to the throne room, eying the expensive and luxurious clothes Thorin had on. He stared you down with dull eyes as you came forward, your brown eyes meeting his. "You wanted to see me?" You questioned as softly as you could, afraid of his recently explosive temper. Human or not; that damn dwarf was much stronger than you and you recognized the fact that he could easily overpower you.

"Indeed. It has come to my knowledge that you...possess feelings for me, is this true?" His deep voice echoed through the grand room, echoing back to your ears. Your mouth dropped open with your eyes wide and heart beating wildly, you barely had the courage to speak up. "I-I...well...yes, I do. I should have told you sooner but..." Your hands fiddled with each other as your knees became wobbly and a scarlet blush tainted your cheeks.

For a moment, his eyes became his normal light icy blue and filled with emotion, but all too soon did the sickness take over his mind once again. Scoffing, he rolled his eyes, "Yes you should've, then you could've been spared the humiliation of this in my own kingdom. You are a human, extremely young and quite frankly you could never win the heart of someone like myself. I want a dwarf noblewoman to be my queen, not some human runt." He snarled out, his dark blue eyes sending deadly glares at you.

You had always expected rejection, in fact, you had imagined different scenarios- but never did you think of what he just spat at you. You were speechless as you curled in your lips on instinct to keep from crying. With one last pleadingly hopeful stare you ran out of the throne room, heading straight to the abandoned room you had claimed as yours.

As you ran with quivering lips and glossy eyes, you heard Bilbo shouting your name as he sprinted to keep up with your fast-paced strides. Throwing open the door you started to hastily pack your few belongings and momentous from Rivendell and the mountain, tears slowly rolling down your cheeks.

By the time Bilbo had caught up to your room in a panting mess, all that was left was a note that crushed his heart for you. Shedding a few empathetic tears for you he couldn't even think about what could happen that night.

*After BOFTA*

Thorin sat bloody and bruised from Azog, but thankful to be alive with his nephews sitting next to him. With a shout of his name, he turned to wearily smile at the hobbit that came bounding towards him. "You're all alive! Thank goodness!" The hobbit huffed out, a bright grin on his face.

Thorin grinned and hugged Bilbo, the happiness radiating from him like never before. Resting his arm on the stony rocks in the ice, he looked over the recently won battlefield. "I do hope (y/n) is doing alright in the mountain." He sighed out, a longing tone gracing his lips. With shock Bilbo turned to him, his brows lifted and his eyes wide,"You mean you don't remember?"

It was silent as Kili, Fili and Bilbo stared worriedly at him as his facial expressions foretold his sudden remembrance. With a downcast look, Bilbo handed over the hastily written note that you had left behind, Thorin's eyes slowly scanning over your handwriting.

Dear Thorin,

I am sorry I wasn't enough for you.

Even though I was expecting rejection, to hear you say it was... Look, what you said about me is true; I'm not the most beautiful and I'm not rich or royal... it was stupid of me to think I'd ever have a chance of being yours, a simple wallflower competing for your love. Staying here would be too much for me, so I plan to wander until I can find a purpose again. For the company, I wish you all the best and the deepest thanks from my heart for letting me be apart of the journey. I don't need a share of the treasure, being with you all was plenty enough of a gift. Do not worry about me, I've always been a wanderer and this is no different, and I hope you all can rebuild your home safely and peacefully.



With glossy eyes he quietly turned to the three, a pleading look storming in his eyes. "Please tell me you know where she went, I have to go after her..." He said as he stood up, frantically looking over the hills surrounding Erebor. Fili and Kili simply shook their heads, while Bilbo scratched his brain for any clues of where you could've gone.

"I would love living here! It's so beautiful and peaceful, just look at those cute little yellow flowers, they would make a beauty of a flower crown!" You smiled brightly, your (e/c) eyes alight with excitement and your (s/c) skin glowed in the sun, making you look like a spirit in the middle of the forest, almost as if you were a lone she-elf. Bilbo smiled as he watched the company watch you in silence, some blushing at your elegant beauty in the streaming light of the meadow.

Bilbo's head snapped up to meet Thorin's eyes, fumbling over his words in a rush to say what was needed."I might know, do you remember the yellow flower field we had passed right before Beron's home? She had told me once that she would love to live there, so I would guess that it would be the place she would go to first." Thorin exhaled happily as he hugged his good friend, prepared to travel across Middle Earth and back just to find you.


After three days of travel, while it was rumored the King was recovering from the battle in Erebor, he was finally nearing the meadow where he had high hopes of where you would be. Next to a tree sat a small stick hut overlooking the sea of yellow flowers, but that is not what caught his eye. It was you sitting in the bright sun looking up at the sky with a flower crown in your hair, small blue butterflies capturing your attention. Your hair blew gently in the wind like water, and the short dress you wore showed off your soft and glistening legs.

He dropped his large pack next to his pony, marveling at how ethereal you looked in the moment. Slowly making his way to you, it took you a few seconds to turn to him. In shock, your lips parted and your (e/c) eyes held a mixture of joy, but just as quick as you had shown it to him you turned your gaze away to the flowers of the field.

Looking down at the flowers that grazed your legs, you held back the crack in your voice and the tears welling up behind your eyelashes. "What are you doing here? A proper king wouldn't think of being near a human runt such as myself." You mumbled out coldly, ignoring the hurt look in his eyes.

He squatted down next to you, his bright blue eyes swirling. "(y/n) I never meant the horrible words I said under that sickness, in fact, it's the opposite." Placing his calloused fingers under your chin, he turned your head to look him square in the eyes. 

"I had harbored my feelings for you for too long now. You are so beautiful and gorgeous, and your personality fills me with excitement and calm at the same time. Since the moment I laid eyes on you I knew you were my One. I don't expect you to run into my arms after what I said to you, but I needed to let you know because I love you very much and you are most definitely NOT a wallflower in my eyes and you're a flower fit for a God, you have always been my flower to me, but no forgiveness after what I said to you is what I deserve and I'd understand. "

You let the tears freely fall down your cheeks as Thorin brushed them away, "You... You really mean it?" He cracked a rare and soft smile at you,"every word." You grinned and tackled him to the flowery ground, laying your lips softly on his. His deep chuckle was like music to your ears as you both parted to stare into each other's eyes. "Does this mean you'll come back to me, my flower?" He said with hesitation, watching you make that smile that made his heart fly. "Of course, my silly dwarf."

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