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Requested by deepestfirefun on Tumblr :) 

WARNING: This may be a difficult read for anyone who is going through grief or anyone who has experienced a loss. Contains action scenes (blood etc.).


@dreamblackstar (Tumblr): deepestfirefun,  evyiione, fortunelyclevercandy, princecami, thatsnice01, niteowlnest

 Thank you all for supporting my work so much, it really makes me joyful and gives me a sense of love and appreciation I don't usually get. Again, thank you to everyone who reblogs, hearts, likes, stars, comments or simply views my work <3 I am truly grateful to you all.

Ship: Thorin x (Dunedaín) reader

Summary: You and Thorin had been courting as you were his One. After you survive BOFTA without your intended, you end up joining the Fellowship Of The Ring. Finding yourself in Moria and seeing the tomb of Balin and the corpse of your past friend and companion Ori, you get into a blind rage. When your life is in critical danger, something unexpected happens.


"Thorin... this is... more than any woman could ever ask for." You stared down at heart-shaped diamond ring that bore delicate gold leaves and vines, inlaid with opal and sapphire that resembled little dew drops that shined on the miniature leaves. You tore your gaze from the ring on your finger to your fiancé, who eagerly beamed from head to toe.

"Amrâlimê, you are all any dwarf could ask for- this gift is but a speck of dust compared to as beautiful as you are my One. I once told you when we first started courting that when I'd retake our mountain I could finally present you with a suitable gift for my future wife, and I always held that true to my heart." Thorin smiled dearly as you slightly bent down to embrace him, his vibrant blue eyes never leaving you.

"Oh Thorin, even with this amazing gift nothing could ever top the best gift I've received." At this, his brows furrowed and his demeanor dropped as you pulled back to look at him. "The best gift I've ever gotten was you in my life." He chuckled as he raised your hand to his lips, looking up at your taller frame through his black hair. "Don't scare me like that woman."

You both laughed as you held each other, overlooking the newly recovered mountain your love had once grown up in. "Once this is all finished and done, I plan to marry you the second afterward's." You hummed happily as you both sat on the stairs overlooking the hoard of ancient gold, planting a soft peck on the bearded cheek of your dwarf. "I look forward to it, my king."

"(Y/n)...(y/n)...(y/n), wake up- were almost upon the mountains face." You groggily opened your eyes to find that you had slightly fallen asleep while walking due to exhaustion, rubbing your (e/c) eyes and stretching your arms and legs out in an effort to get your body warm again as you continued to trudge through the snow up the cold passage of Caradhras.

You looked behind you at your long-time friend and fellow Dunedaín, Aragorn. "How are the hobbits?" You questioned, earning a sigh from him as he revealed Pippin and Merry on his back, fast asleep from the tiring uphill walk. You chuckled as you turned back in front of you and slightly pushed yourself to come up next to Gimli who had been walking in front of you.

"Hello Gimli." you greeted with a nod of your head, almost bursting out laughing as Gimli almost face-planted into the snow in fright. "(Y/n) lass, you nearly scared the beard right off of me!" You laughed and patted him on the shoulder. "Aye, I noticed! My apologies, I'll give you a warning next time." You giggled lightly as he huffed out a cold breath of air in embarrassment.

A bright glint flew into his eyes, making him squint in annoyance. You took quick notice of this and removed your hand from his shoulder, "Sorry, I forgot my ring would reflect off the snow." You said, letting out a steady stream of warm air out of your very red and cold nose. His dark blue eyes stared down at the well-crafted ring you bore on your ring finger, a look of astonishment on his face.

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