Chapter Two

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"Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life; define yourself."

—Harvey Fierstein

No one cheered.

Alessandra tried to look grateful that after so long an engagement finally fell through, but the severity of it situation was far too great to be happy. She couldn’t touch a person who wasn’t her mother and she sure as hell couldn’t consummate a marriage. The thought of never being able to produce a child and become a mother felt depleting. She wouldn’t be able to show a child the same love her mother showed her all of her life and the thought made her weary all over again.

“What a fine match,” Elizabeth chimed through gritted teeth. She had to remain calm, cool, and collected, but when the event was over then she would kindly remind her King how a marriage was a bad idea. She’d persuaded the King only once before to hold off on marriage proposals until she was older, and this surprise engagement had been done without her knowledge.

“Fine, indeed. The Prince will arrive in two days time to meet his bride and the wedding will proceed soon after.” He informed the guests filling the room. That’s when everyone decided to cheer and some even chanted, ‘Hail to the Princess!’.

Alessandra smiled, although it was a little forced, she had to maintain her poker face until the Christmas party was over. Elizabeth was distraught because she knew what was going on in her daughter’s mind. She knew of Alessandra’s constant anxiety and her fearfulness to be around innocent people. How was Elizabeth going to convince the King to call it off?

“Now,” the King said, rising from his throne. “Enjoy the rest of the festivities!”

With that, the party resumed. People continued their conversations and the dancers moved in time to the musicians’ songs. Alessandra couldn’t be still any longer. If she left then she’d be disrespecting her father because only the King could leave first. That would be a signal that the party was over, but it would last until King James decided it didn’t anymore. Alessandra needed to move. She stood from her chair and heads bowed in her direction.

“My lady!”

Alessandra stopped at the sound of Greer’s voice. She was a lean woman and extremely a joy to look at. She moved gracefully through the crowd to make her way to Alessandra. When she finally came face-to-face with her, she kept a healthy distance away. Greer was a dear friend that Alessandra didn’t see often like she wished. She even respected the Princess’ request for space and she didn’t try to push her boundaries.

“A congratulations are in order.” She said.

Alessandra shook her head. “If you must, but I have to tell you that I am not pleased with this engagement.” They’d been friends for a long time and she was her most trusted friend. When they weren’t in the palace together, they sent notes back and forth sharing their stories, but Alessandra mostly read her letters of how Greer travelled the world because she stayed confined in the palace all of her life. She saw the world through Greer’s eyes.

“Why? Prince Daniel is a fine young man and his dowry is worth a fortune. He will be an asset to the King.”

“Exactly, Father only arranged this marriage for himself. He wants to get me out of this palace and for that I don’t blame him, but this was the wrong place to announce it.” They’d walked together through the ballroom until they found a small hideaway to sit.

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