Chapter Fifteen

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Never make decisions when you are upset, sad, jealous, or in love.

      -Mario Teguh

“Lady Margaret, fetch the Priest, I wish to make confession.” Elizabeth said when she finally arrived at the tower. The estate was vacant and sterile and eerie. This was the place where many people before her were executed for various crimes.

It would make sense that the atmosphere seemed haunted by the ghost of the criminals that came before her. She’d never seen an execution up close or never even been to the tower. She never thought she had to when she became Queen. Then again, she never expected any of this to happen.

And yet, she couldn’t find herself to regret her decision. Stepping onto the cobblestone, she noticed that it was quiet—too quiet. All the sounds that were made were her footsteps followed by the ladies and other people in attendance. She walked with guard and her ladies to the door where she was greeted by the director of the execution. He was responsible for making sure the executioner was present and he designed the space for the head block so that it would be a clean execution.

“Your Majesty,” Lord Albert bowed deeply. He’d been told that she was going to be beheaded, but he didn’t know why. Traditionally, the guilty would confess their crime right before they laid their head on the block. “We have prepared your quarters for the night.”

Queen Elizabeth curtsied. “Thank you, My Lord.”

The tower was fit for a royal. It wasn’t the tidiest of quarters, but it was much better than the poor condition of the prison wards back at the palace. Elizabeth was accompanied by only two of her ladies, and they would continue to serve her until her execution.

The room she was staying in was modest, and a little too dark. The room depended on natural light from the sun to make it less dark, but it wasn’t enough. She’d have to light candles for her readings. The bible was brought to her request so that she could ask God for forgiveness and repent her sins and hope that God will accept her in the kingdom of Heaven.

There were no leaks and it was mildly clean much to Elizabeth’s relief. Not to mention, there was a massive fireplace pushed in the corner and a bed. Elizabeth led her ladies inside. She couldn’t help it, but she was growing restless by the minute. She knew her execution would be in the morning.

This was happening so fast, Elizabeth felt as though she had only just held her daughter in her arms and sang a song to lull her asleep. The same child she had longed for was grown up and had become a fine woman. Now she was leaving her without anything useful to aid her. The deal with Hades would fall through and he would take her to the underworld so she may hopefully have a better life than here on Evyon.

She was so restricted that Elizabeth wondered if the idea was so bad after Alessandra could only kill with touch and never love or feel to its full capacity. Her heart would long for more and she would be miserable. Her sacrifice would give Alessandra a different chance at life; she was more willing to let Hades take her now. 

“Your Majesty, the Priest is here.” Lady Margaret announced. Behind her, the Priest entered with a small bible held close to his chest.

“Thank you, Lady Margaret. You may leave us.” She told her ladies and both of them curtsied then turned to leave. The guards remained posted outside of the doors because that was the only exit and if she tried to escape then they’d know.

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