Chapter 1

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Dean's POV
I slammed the book into the table, then looked over at Sam.
Sam said" Dean... we've.. we've looked everywhere, APB's... angel radio. We've tried everything. Where could they possibly put her... if she's even still alive."
I said" She's alive! Don't say that!" He nodded, Cas and Jack showed up, Cas shook his head as he took seat in the chair across from me. We've been looking for Rose for a year, and we haven't found her.
Gabriel appeared next to us,
He said" I found her! I found her! I found Rose!" Sam and I jumped up and looked at him," Dad decided to keep her prisoner in her own little prison world. We have to get her out now." I nodded and we called Cas and Jack, then we called Bobby.

Once we all met up, I looked at everyone, Gabe said" She's on earth, warded, and in her own world." We followed him to a building, and saw angels guarding the building.
I said" Let's bring Rose home." Sam and I ran up to them, starting the fight that was going to get worse.
I slammed an angel into the wall and stabbed him in the stomach, I pulled the blade out and backed away. I turned and grabbed Sam's hand, pulling him off the ground.
Once the angels were all dead, Sam and I broke down the door. I froze as I saw Rose in a cage, all bruised and dirty, Sam gulped then walked towards her.
Gabe said" Careful, she's not herself anymore." I unfroze and walked with Sam, I gently placed my hand on her shoulder. She tensed up and growled at me,
I said" Rose, Rose, I don't know if you can hear me... but.. it's Dean, your Dean Winchester." Her eyes were a different color, now they were a dark red, that resembled blood.
Cas said" Someone's coming, we'll handle it." He and Gabe vanished in thin air, I looked at Sam and Jack,
" Rose, come on, kid, just react to us. Please, just... come on, Rose. We're gonna get you back." I crouched down and shook her shoulders,
Then I heard Chuck say" She's not gonna wake up... she's gone. Well... till you die for good and I can wake her and make her do my bidding."
" Are you serious?! She's a little girl, she's 50 pounds tops. Just let us take her, she's innocent."
" I know. But evil does things to good, she can kill angels and demons."
" She only kills when threatened, or when we're in trouble. She wants to protect us even though she's tiny and sometimes weak."
" Fine. But for now on, you will be in charge of the little abomination, if there is a single angel killing due to her... she's dead."
" Alright." He snapped his fingers and Rose woke up, she got startled then jumped up and growled. He vanished as usual, Rose growled at us and snarled," Rose... rose. It's Dean, Dean and Sam Winchester." Her head tilted and she backed away from us, sniffing the air." Yeah, that's right. Come on, I know you're in there, Rose. I know." Cas and Gabe came back in, Rose instantly growled and started to back away." Hey, hey, hey, they're our friends. That's Cas, he gave you your first soda and gave up trying to keep you still. Gabe, he saved you from being lost over night, and he made you laugh." I noticed her hands now had paw prints on them,
Sam said" Dean, we better get out of here, it's not safe." I nodded,
" Rose, if you can understand me, I need you to say something."
Rose said" D-D...Dean." I saw a flash of her eyes, they were normal for a second before they went back to red. She growled again,
" I knew you were in there somewhere, Rose, I knew it, 'cause I know you." I carefully walked towards her and lifted her up, she growled and Cas knocked her out." Alright, let's get out of here." We walked out of the building, and into the impala, Cas, Gabe and Jack vanished, flying off to wherever. I held Rose as I got in and Sam started driving,
He said" Dean... as much as I want to say that's Rose... she's not, she's different."
I said" Yeah, but... she's been through so much, I mean... it's been a year since we last saw her. Meaning she's been through a year of torture."
" Do you think we'll get her back?"
" I hope so." I looked down at Rose, she's beaten up pretty badly, and I'll take a bet that her mind is pretty messed up too.
" She's barely grown. She should be about 8... she looks like she's still 6."
" She's had a horrible year, we have to get her back to normal first. Her eyes are red now, we have to change them back."
" How are we gonna do that?"
" I don't know."

Once we got to Bobby's, we walked in and I laid Rose on the table, Sam grabbed a needle and an some fishing line. I started stitching up the gashes that were too deep to heal on their own. Sam started cleaning the blood and dirt off of her.
Once we changed her into one of my shirts, I laid her on the couch and walked into the kitchen.
Bobby said" What do ya mean her eyes are red like blood?"
I said" Her eyes are red, her puppy eyes. They used to be pure white with golden and black lines, now they're blood red."
" Alright, what do you think that means?"
" She was in her own world, it was like she was there... but her body wasn't. But she was really bruised and dirty and those dots on her arm appeared again."
" Those angels are monsters."
" Yeah, we know. I guess, we're gonna wait for her to wake and see what happens." Cas appeared,
He said" I can bring her back to normal... Well, as much as I can."
" What does that mean?"
" I can't heal her wounds, but I can heal her mind, as much as she can at least remember us. But her mind will still be very damaged."
" Do it."
Sam said" Dean.."
" Do it, Cas. We'll have more control, she'll know who we are."
" Dean! This could hurt her more than you think."
Cas said" Sam, Dean is right. What she's in now, it won't help her, it'll slowly destroy her." I nodded at him then looked at Sam, Sam nodded and Cas touched Rose's forehead.
She instantly started thrashing out, whimpers and growls leaving her mouth, then she gasped and jolted up.
She said" Dean!" I ran to her side immediately, and grabbed her hand, she looked at me and hugged me. Her face nuzzled into my neck, I wrapped my arms around her tightly.
I said" Oh, it's good to have you back, Rose."

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