Chapter 10

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Sam's POV
I was reading a story to Rose, she was giggling at the characters, I smiled as she pulled her knees up, giggling her little head off. Once I finished reading the story, Rose could barely keep her eyes open. She cuddled into me, then closed her eyes, sucking on her thumb, I smiled and gently pulled a blanket over her.
Once I got out of her room, I walked to Dean, looking at him.
He said" No word on Crowley so far, Cas says he's stopping by with some groceries."
I said" Okay, uh, Rose is asleep, passed out after I read her a story."
" She's adorable."
" Oh, yeah." Then Cas walked in, he looked at us, and looked around," She is sleeping." He nodded, then carried down the groceries, he put them in the kitchen then came back.
Cas said" Well, Michael has given up the hope for her, and your family still lives. Crowley, on the other hand, is sending every possible demon on the look out for her."
Dean said" Okay, great. We really can't go out, huh?"
" No. Has she began to have cabin fever yet?"
" Oh, yeah, tore up about 20 newspapers yesterday, bruises on her hands and feet since she's been running and jumping off everything she can touch. We figured out how to settle her down, a bit... read her book, she'll normally fall right to sleep once the story's over."
I said" But this time, it took a warm milk glass to even start to get her to sleep."
Cas said" She'll begin to get worse, she's a child and a puppy."
Dean said" We know, we know. She's a hyperactive little girl, who needs fresh air and calm place... but the second she's out there... she'll get attacked by demons." I heard small feet pattering into this room, I turned around and saw Rose, she still had her thumb in her mouth, rubbing her eyes with one fist." Hey, sweetie, what's wrong?"
Rose mumbled" Bad man..." she made grabby hands,
" What does that mean?"
" In oom'." Cas scooped her up into his arms, while Dean and I ran to her room. We skidded to a stop in her room and saw Crowley standing in the very corner of her room.
Dean said" What the hell do you want, Crowley?!"
Crowley said" I want the little thing, give her over."
" No!"
" Why not? It's not like you actually care about the little killer, hmm? She's a monster, Dean, you're supposed to kill her."
" I would never kill her, she's innocent."
" She's a killer, how much blood does she have on her hands? Hundreds? Thousands?"
I said" Leave her alone, she's just a kid and she doesn't deserve anything that's happening to her."
" Hmm, sure... maybe I want her to control my demons... or maybe she's a key to releasing a very big bad."
" What the hell does that mean?"
" Hmm, you'll find out soon enough." Then he was gone, Dean looked at me then we walked back to the library to see Rose had fallen back to sleep in Cas' arms.
Dean said" She's staying in my room tonight." We both nodded, Dean took Rose into his arms and carried her to his room. I sighed then looked at Cas,
Cas said" How will she survive this?"
I said" I don't know. I just hope she does survive this. We can't loose this kid, she's the best we've ever gotten."
" She sees us as her family."
" And not anything else anyone has ever called us, no matter what anyone says, she will defend us."

I woke up to Rose jumping onto my chest and pawing at my face, I opened my eyes and saw her.
She said" Sammy!" while hugging my neck, holding onto me like I would disappear if she let go.
I said" What's wrong?"
" Dean gone, Sammy, he's no where." I sat up, holding her on my lap as I grabbed my gun. I stood up and carried her into the hallway, walking down the hall, heading for dean's room. I looked into the wall and saw no one, but then I saw a note,

Call me
- Crowley

I walked back to my room, grabbing my phone and calling Crowley.
He said" Hello, Moose."
I said" Where's my brother, Crowley?"
" Oh, only enduring the worst pain I could imagine for him."
" Where is he?!" I put Rose onto the bed,
" He's in a continuous loop of Rose and yourself dying when he can't do anything to save you."
" You- give him back now!"
" No, I want to hybrid, now, or you can say goodbye to your beloved brother."
" Crowley!"
" Bye bye, now." Then he hung up, Rose looked at me, whimpering since she could sense my nerves and anger, I looked at her.
" Everything's fine, Rose. It's gonna be okay." I lifted her up and walked out of my room, I texted Cas, telling him to get here quick with backup. I put Rose down in the library and went to change clothes.
Once I walked back into the library, Cas and Jack were waiting for me, Rose was playing with Jack on the floor with legos. I nodded to Cas and we walked away from them,
I said" Crowley took Dean, he wants Rose in return to get Dean back. I don't know how we're gonna pull ourselves out of this one."
I heard Rose say" I'll go." I turned and saw her,
" No, Rose, that's not even an option, we'll figure something else out to get him back."
" Bad guy's bad, I cause this, I know it and I wanna fix it."
" No, Rose. You didn't cause anything, this is hatred, you're the total opposite of what's happening right now. Go play with Jack." She nodded then turned around and went back to Jack, continuing to play with him.
Cas said" She's right. If she goes to Crowley, we get Dean back. She's a fierce and aggressive creature when she feels unsafe. She'll be too dangerous and violent for Crowley or any demon to handle, he'll have no choice but to give her back."

3 weeks later

I was holding onto Rose, she knew the plan, she knew what she had to do, but I didn't want to let go of her.
She whispered" Sammy, I be okay, I know it." I nodded, kissing her head and putting her down, hesitantly, she looked at me with a smile. Crowley appeared with Dean,
Dean said" Rose, don't do this."
She said" It okay, Dean."
Crowley said" Hand her over, Moose, and I'll hand over Squirrel."
I said" Alright." I nodded to Rose, she walked to Crowley, Crowley pushed Dean to me. I grabbed him before he could fall, then I looked up and Crowley and Rose were gone. I looked at Dean,
He said" Why in hell would she do that?!"
" We have a plan, it's a long shot, but it's a plan, but we have to give her the time, okay?"
" What plan?!"
" She's gonna cause total mayhem for Crowley in Hell. He'll bring her back once he's had enough of it."
" How do you know it'll work?"
" We don't."
" Then how do you know we'll get her back?"
" Because I believe in her, she's one pissed little girl when you put her in an unsafe place."
" Yeah, that's true. So, what do we do till she's returned to us?"
" Nothing, we don't try anything that'll get Crowley away from there, he has to be there."
" How do we know he won't just brain wash her or something?"
" Protection symbols carved into her rib cage by Cas and Gabe, nothings going to possess or control her while she's down there."
" You guys really thought this through, didn't you?"
" Oh, yeah. We left no stone unturned when it came to this plan."
" Now, we just wait."
" Yeah. Which is probably more terrifying than when we planned this thing."
" Must be."
" What happened anyway?"
" He popped up, he flashed us to hell, leaving Rose here. Then he made me see you guys dying, and it was probably worse than myself dying. I couldn't do anything about it, you two would just die over and over again."
" Sorry, we couldn't get you out any sooner."
" It's fine. I'm out, but now she's there and probably enduring more pain than that."
" Yeah, let's hope she's as brave and strong as she is here, in there."
" Yeah, let's hope."

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