Chapter 8

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Dean's POV
It's Saturday, and Rose is still not acting right, I looked at Sam as Rose was in her room.
Sam whispered" Something's wrong with her, Dean. She's angry, she's not eating, she's not laughing, or playing."
I whispered" I know. But she locked her door."
" Let's go." We walked to her room, and crouched down, knocking on the door. She cracked open the door and looked at us,
I said" Hey, Rosie. What's happening in your head?" She shook her head, and I opened the door more, she backed away. We walked in and saw drawings all over her walls, scribbly drawings but still sad. The drawings were kids laughing, and Rose tearing off her tail and ears." Rose, what's wrong?" She shook her head," Rose, what is wrong?"
She mumbled" I'm different."
" No, you're not."
" Yeah, 'm."
" Why are you different then?"
" I have extra ears and a puppy tail."
" That doesnt matter. You still have the heart of a human, okay? You still bleed, you're still human. Rose, you're not different, you are so much better than those brats in there." She looked at me with big eyes," You hear me, Rose, you're not different, you're amazing."
" Okay, De." She hugged me tightly, her arms around my neck, I smiled softly then hugged her back. I stood up and took her with me,
" Now, Ice cream always cheers you up, come on, Sammy." Sam laughed and followed us, I ran her into the kitchen and put her on the counter. She giggled as I grabbed the tub of ice cream then gave her a spoon, she giggled then ate the ice cream quickly.

After a few, Rose was bouncing around the table, screaming her little head off. Sam and I were leaning against the table watching her go crazy.
Sam said" You know that this is the equivalent to getting her drunk, right?"
I said" Oh, yeah." Rose finally started to settle down then slowly walked to me and made grabby hands." Hey, sweetie, ready for a nap?" She nodded slowly, yawning cutely, I lifted her up and she cuddled into me. Sam smiled, shaking his head then walked out, I walked to her room and laid her down, I tucked her in. She whined when I went to leave," What's up?"
She mumbled" No go, stay." I chuckled then nodded, I walked back to her and laid down. She cuddled into me instantly, and then I heard her mumbled the thing that I never wanted to hear," Why don't I have a mommy?" Then she was out like a light, I sighed then rubbed her ears, hopefully she won't remember that and I won't have to give her that talk that I'll be holding off for as long as I possibly can.

I woke up to Rose poking my face, she giggled as I opened my eyes and lifted her up. She held onto my arms as I sat up then wrapped her legs around me when I stood up. I walked us to the kitchen, Sam was cooking breakfast, Rose jumped from me and ran to Sam to see what he was cooking.
Once Sam put the food on the table, Rose instantly dug in, Sam and I chuckled then I grabbed some bacon before she ate it all.
We were at the roadhouse, Rose was holding my hand with a tight grip, I looked down at her.
I said" What's wrong, Rose?" She looked around and sniffed the air, she growled then pressed against me. I looked at Sam, confused, what's happening with her? Then Michael appeared across from us,
He said" She's so strange, quite amazing too. She can kill us and kill them, but she's only a little kid. What makes no sense is why in hell does she protect you two?"
" Because we protect her, Michael."
" Hmm. I think it's because you three are all clinging to that last string of humanity you have left. She's just this little girl who needs love and you're just two grown men wanting to find something to cling to."
" Whatever you wanna think, Michael. She's amazing, and you'll never have her, get over it."
" Oh, I know I'll never have her by my own accord... but she will be terrified, she's been hunted down and abused, neglected, so now let's bring back some people that I know you two men having quite feelings for." Then he snapped his fingers and our parents then Samuel appeared." Have fun, boys. See you soon, Rose." Then he flew away, I looked at Sam,
Mom said" Boys?" Samuel and John instantly looked at Rose," What's going on? How are we back?"
I said" By an archangel... I need something to drink." Rose climbed onto my back, she whimpered into my neck," It's alright, Rosie. Go hang out with Jo, huh?" She shook her head, whining instantly," You don't have to, Rose, it's alright, don't worry. Dean's gotcha."
" Who's that, Dean?" Rose whined then cuddled into my neck before falling sideways, Sam grabbed her and held her in his arms. She cuddled into his chest, then fell asleep quickly, I smiled then looked at Mom.
" Uh... she's Rose, a hybrid, was caged up by a witch till Sam and I rescued her and she became part of our family."
" She's cute."
" That's not what they're thinking."
" Dad, John?"
Samuel said" It's a monster, Mary."
" She doesnt look like a monster to me? She looks like a little girl that is half-"
I said" Puppy, and yeah, watch this." I lightly scratched behind Rose's ear and her leg started moving. She whined and pawed at nothing then settled back in Sam's arms.
Sam said" Dean, come on. Don't wake her up, she's finally asleep."
" Fine." I stopped then looked at the three,
Mom said" How old is she?"
" Around 9 ish... but she was held captive by God... so she still looks small and fragile."
" Oh, poor little girl. When do you think she'll wake up? I'd like to meet her."
" In 30 minutes, maybe." Sam smiled a bit then kissed Rose's head, Rose whined and pushed his face away from her," Or ten, or now. Rosie, Rose, wake up." Rose opened her eyes slowly, cuddling back into Sam more, I smiled," Come on, Rose. We want ya to meet someone." Rose's eyes fully open now that she was curious, she jumped from Sam's arms and stood behind me." Rose, this is our mom, Mary. She's a good one, I promise. She won't hurt you." Rose peeked out from my side and looked at our Mom, Mom smiled and crouched down.
" Hi, Rose. That's a cute name." Rose cautiously stepped away from me and got on all fours, hands and feet, she walked to my mom slowly, sniffing every few seconds. Once she got in front of my mom, she nudged her head with mom's hand, then nuzzled into it." Aw, you're so cute." Rose backed away then came back to me, crawling into my arms again.

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