Chapter 11

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Rose's POV
Crowley took me to hell, locking me in a room, I was pacing around, he left me in here alone. I growled then looked at the door, it opened slowly and a demon came in,
He said" The King wants to see you, now." He grabbed the collar Crowley put on me and dragged me into the throne room. Crowley was sitting on the throne, waiting for me, the demon let go of me and stepped away.
Crowley said" Hello, killer."
I said" I'm not a killer."
" Hm, you've killed enough to be one, so you are a killer, whether you like it or not." I growled then my eyes glowed, I turned quick and bit the demon's stomach. I held on as it screamed and tried to pull me off, my fangs pierced their skin and my blood got into their system. They struggled then started convulsing, they fell and died in a matter of seconds. I turned back to Crowley,
" You want a killer, fine, you've got one." He smirked, then clapped slowly,
" Already done one demon, I'm pretty sure you're not finished either."
" I'll never be finished, good luck on getting more servants."
" Take her back to her room and lock the door." A demon grabbed me and dragged me back to the room, I was thrown in, I pounced and bit the demon and the door closed. I yawned then looked in the mirror, okay, now it's time for the plan. I rummaged through the drawers and found face paint, I put the paint on my face, putting a black mask around my eyes, so my glowing eyes stuck out more. I growled then sat on the ground, watching then door, whatever demon comes in here is dead before they get out. I got up and grabbed a piece of chalk, I marked one day on the wall and put the chalk down. Let's see how many days I'm in here before Crowley sends me back to my family.

It's been 2 months, I was let out of the room on accident, and I went on a killing rampage. I bit at any demon I could grab, and they all started convulsing then falling to the ground, dead. I skidded to a stop when I saw Crowley, I growled and bit down on the arm of a demon, tearing it off the demon, they died quickly. I held the arm in my mouth, smiling at Crowley, I dropped the arm and smirked at Crowley. He huffed then stared at me, angrily, I laughed then he clicked his fingers and I was in my room. He tortured me on a daily bases, but I didn't break, I'm strong and I'm not giving up on my family. Crowley walked in and locked the door, he snapped his fingers and I was slammed into the wall, I yelped and held my head. He slung me across the room and started to slowly burn me starting with my fingers, I screamed in pain and cried out for Sam and Dean, my heart broke instantly, my will broke, my strength disappeared instantly.
After a while, he stopped, my arms were burned up, scolding hot and my flesh burning. He walked out after making a water bucket appear, I washed my arms gently then laid back on the ground. I breathed heavily then sighed, I got up, whimpering and crying out as my arms stung from the burns. I screamed in anger then yelled again, I started punching and kicking everything that I could get to. My eyes turned to their counter part and I felt my fangs, I jumped off the walls quickly.

I was staring at the ceiling, I screamed in anger then the door cracked open, I looked at the door. A demon came in, they put down a food tray on the table, I growled and launched at them. My fangs came through and my blood dripped onto them, I bit into their neck. I tore their neck apart and watched them die, I growled then paced around the body. Crowley walked in,
He said" Why do you do this to yourself? You do remember every demon you kill, the more torture you have to go through each night." I growled then he pinned me to the wall with his powers. He started making my shoulders and neck burn again, I growled and lunged through the power but failed to get free.
I screamed in pain as the fire burned through my shoulder and chest, I felt the flesh burn off me, and I screamed again. My eyes were glossy with tears from the smoke coming off of my body. He dropped me and then disappeared, I fell to the ground, breathing heavily and crying, I want my family, I want Sam and Dean to hold me, tell me everything's gonna be okay again. I felt my shoulder and Crowley had burned a hole through my shoulder, like a clear hole. I sighed then opened my eyes, I stood up and wrapped a bandana around my shoulder so it wouldn't get worse. My eyes glowed and I closed my eyes again, falling asleep, terrified and freezing cold.
My eyes opened as another demon came in, my eyes glowed and my fangs came out. I turned to them and growled, they backed away, then I attacked, biting down on their arm, they ran out after getting me away from them. I sighed as I heard them drop dead and I laughed before laying back down, I yawned then closed my eyes, falling asleep.

Anything can happen, but we still have a plan, I'm gonna get out of here whether or not I'm alive by the time I get out.

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