Chapter 4

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Dean's POV
I looked at my dad with the coldest look I could muster, then my head turned to look at Rose. She was terrified, she's not used to the violence in the bunker.
I said" Stop being loud, you're scaring her."
Dad said" Does it look like a give a damn, Dean?!"
" You should, 'cause she's the sweetest, little fluffy thing you will ever see. She's the best thing in the world, she's a puppy, a freakin' adorable puppy."
" It's a monster."
" No, she's not! And don't you ever call her a monster, she's better than an angel, she's amazing."
" How in hell did you find it?!"
" She was being held captive by a witch, we rescued her."
" Why didn't you just kill it?!"
" We don't go by the rules anymore, Dad, shoot first ask later isnt exactly our motto anymore. And we don't care what you or anyone thinks about her because we care about her." Dad pulled out a gun, I quickly pulled out mine and stared at him.
" You would shoot me for that?"
" Yeah, I would. In a heartbeat."
" She ain't even family."
" Family don't end with blood, so if you're gonna try to hurt her or worse, I suggest you leave before I put a bullet in you."
" No. You're my sons, I want to spend some time with you and figure out how in hell I'm back."
" Fine. I'm going back to bed, Sam, set him up a room, farthest from Rose. Rose, come'er." Rose got into my arms and I carried her to my room.
I fell back onto the bed, which caused her to giggle at me, I smiled and kissed her head. She cuddled into me and hit me with her tail when I moved an inch.
I mumbled" Get that lethal weapon out of here." She giggled," Go to sleep, Rosie, Dean's got ya." She nodded against my arm and fell asleep after a few seconds. I closed my eyes and fell asleep too since this is going to be an exhausting 24 hours.

I woke up to a scream, Rose's scream, I jumped up and ran out to the kitchen. I saw Sam doing the same thing as me. Once we got to the kitchen, Rose was breathing heavily as Dad was glaring at her. I saw a broken bowl and milk and cereal everywhere, Rose started crying. I walked over to her and shushed her gently, lifting her away from the broken glass and safely into my arms.
Rose mumbled" S'rry, s'rry, De."
I said" It's alright, Rose, you didn't mean to." She clung to my shirt tightly, being kidnapped again by demons kind of set back the clock for her and we had to start over again.
Dad said" Why aren't you punishing it?!"
" Because she has no reason to be punished ever, she's amazing."
" It's a monster."
" Go. Leave, I don't give a damn, you are not gonna come in here acting like you run things, 'cause you don't! You don't abuse her, ever! So, if you're gonna act like that, you better leave. I don't play nice when it comes to this little girl." Dad raised his hand, Rose got protective and jumped from me and stood in front of me, growling at him. Rose's teeth barred then I saw her fangs, Dad pulled out his gun, Rose got even more fierce.
" What in hell is she?!"
" She's a puppy-hybrid, that can kill demons and angels. Rose show teeth." Rose opened her mouth more and the tiny cuts where her blood comes from let blood hit the ground." It kills a demon instantly, and it kills an angel too now. She's awesome."
" It's a monster."
" No she isn't. She's been hunted and tortured by God himself, she's been tortured by demons, she's no monster."
" Don't matter what she's been through, it's still a monster, Dean! It has fangs!"
" Yeah, and so do dogs, cats, snakes, a lot of things have fangs, it's just a matter of how the fangs are used."
" She ain't natural, boys!" Then God flashed in,
Chuck said" Looks like he ain't working, so... I guess she's yours now, have a good life." He snapped his fingers and he and dad was gone. I looked at Sam,
Sam said" All just a trick for us to get rid of Rose. Maybe he'll finally leave us alone." I nodded, Rose relaxed and looked at us," Alright, Breakfast, watcha want, Rosie?"
Rose screamed" Bacon!" I laughed and looked at Sam, Sam sighed then nodded, Rose barked happily then ran off to play. I followed her, she was in her room, I smiled, leaning against the doorway. She saw me and smiled before getting a doll and playing with it.
I said" Okay, let's get you dressed, huh?" She nodded, and walked to me, I grabbed some clothes from her cabinets then helped her change into the clothes and tied her shoes. She sniffed the air and then took off through the bunker, headed straight for the kitchen. I followed her laughing my ass off, as she nearly ran into a wall because she was so distracted by bacon.
Once we got to the kitchen, Sam sat down her plate and she dug into the food, Sam and I chuckled before sitting down and eating too. Rose looked up at us with a piece of bacon sticking to her face. She was trying to lick it off, I laughed and grabbed it from her face and put it in her mouth. She giggled then continued to eat, Sam and I looked at each other before smiling.

We were relaxing in the library, Sam was reading something, I was watching some show. Then Jack popped in, He said" Hi, Sam. Hi, Dean. Where's-" he was tackled by Rose, she started licking his face, we tried to get her from doing that but we decided it's cute and funny. Jack laughed then stood up, lifting her up into his arms, he smiled at her and kissed her head." Hi, Rosie." He hugged her and she smiled and held onto him.
Rose said" Jackie!" She jumped from his arms, and dragged him off to her room, probably. I smiled then we followed them to her room, she was making Jack play with her. I laughed then leaned against the doorway, Sam stood next to me. Jack played with her then looked at us,
" Castiel says God has given up the hunt for her, but Michael has discovered her powers and he wants to use her for bad things." Sam and I looked at each other then down to the sweet, little girl playing with the nice nephilim.

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