Chapter 3

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Sam's POV
Demons got Rose, we made a mistake and went into town, we turned around for one second and she was gone. Dean threw a lamp, and looked at me,
I said" Done?" He nodded," Alright, where would they go?"
He said" I don't know! I don't know. We just have to get a signal to Rose, to know that we're coming for her."
" How are we gonna do that?"
" I don't know."
" Then we find a way."
" Alright." We started trying to figure out where They would take Rose, a safe place for them.

After a few hours, we found them and headed to the abandoned warehouse, we walked in and heard Rose screaming. We got our knives ready, we ran into the room and started shooting. I saw Rose, her hand tied above her head and her feet barely touching the ground. I flinched and walked to her, Demons jumped out and attacked Dean and I, Rose growled as she saw us being attacked and struggled even more. She started coughing and turning blue in the face,
I screamed" Rose! Relax!" She stopped and looked at me," Do not move a muscle!" I continued to stab demons till they were all on the floor dead. We stopped and dropped our knives, running over to Rose, I cut the rope and Dean caught her in his arms, she breathed heavily and held onto him.
Dean said" You're alright, you're alright." He lifted her up and we got the hell out of there before anyone  else showed up.

Once we got to the bunker, I carried Rose in, I put her on the table and started checking the marks they left on her. She whimpered as I lightly skimmed over a cut on her shoulder,
I whispered" Sorry, Rose." Dean handed me the first aid kit and I started patching up Rose. She whimpered as I touched a deep cut, Dean held her hand and looked at the cut,
He said" Sam, that's not gonna heal on it's own." I nodded then grabbed the needle and line, I started stitching her up. Every time she would whimper or let out a cry, Dean and I would flinch. I never wanted to see her in pain again, it hurt me to see her like this.
Once she was all patched up, she was in and out of consciousness,
I said" It's alright, Rose. You can sleep now. It's safe for you to sleep." Her eyes closed and she fell asleep, I sighed then looked at Dean." Dean, what are we gonna do, She's always gonna be in danger, there's no safe place for her."
" We'll figure it out, Sam, just for now we have to make sure she heals up right."
" Okay."
I was staying in Rose's room for the night, I was reading a book when Rose started whimpering in her sleep. I looked up and saw her slightly thrashing around, I got up and put the book down. I got on my knees and shook her shoulders gently, she jolted away and gripped my arm. She breathed heavily,
I said" Rose? Rose, look at me. It's okay, I'm right here." She looked at me and whimpered," It's okay, Rose, I'm right here." She made shaky grabby hands, I lifted her up and stood up. She held onto my shirt, tightly," Do you want some milk?" She nodded, I carried her to the kitchen and put her on the counter. I poured a glass of milk and warmed it in the microwave. I got it out and handed it to her, she started drinking the warm milk." Wanna talk about your nightmare?"
She mumbled" You and Dean got hurt b'cause of me. Real hurt, Sam. You an' Dean died 'cause of me." She whimpered and looked at me with big puppy eyes.
" Nothings gonna happen to us because of you, okay, Rose?"
" Okay, Sammy." I smiled then ruffled her hair, she giggled and smiled at me, she gave me the empty glass. I put it in the sink then lifted her up, I carried her back to her room and put her onto the bed. She yawned and curled up again, I rubbed her hair and she moved into my touch then closed her eyes.
" Goodnight, Rose."
" 'Nighty, Sammy." I smiled then watched her for a few seconds once she fell asleep. I left the door open and went to my room, I laid down and fell asleep quickly.

I woke up to someone poking my shoulder, I opened my eyes and saw Rose, she was shaking.
I said" What's wrong, Rose?" She pointed out my door, whimpering quietly. I got up and grabbed my gun, she wrapped her arms around my waist and followed me.
I turned the corner as I heard noise from the library, I whispered" Rose, go get Dean." Rose looked terrified but she moved away from me and went down the hallway on four legs quickly. I turned the corner and saw the silhouette of someone,
I said" Who the hell are you?!" Dean ran in with Rose on his hip, he pointed his gun at the person. Dean turned on the lights and it was Ellen and our dad." Ellen?"
Rose squeaked and made grabby hands to Ellen, Ellen smiled and nodded at us before walking over and taking Rose into her arms.
Ellen said" Hi, Rose. Didn't mean to scare ya, darling." Rose nuzzled her face into her neck,
Dad said" Hey, boys."
" Rose, go back to bed." She put Rose down and Rose walked past Dean, Dean grabbed Rose's shoulder.
Dean said" No, Rose, climb onto my back." Rose climbed onto his back and gripped his shirt," What the hell? How is he back?"
Ellen said" Don't know, came into the roadhouse, in search for you boys, brought him here." Jo walked in, Rose jumped down from Dean's back and ran to Jo, tackling her. 
" It's better than getting tackled by a monster, ain't it?"
Jo said" Yeah."
Dad said" Who's the kid?"
I said" Rose, come'er." Rose walked to me and tilted her head, she saw that Dean and I were nervous. Rose's teeth bared and she turned towards Dad, she growled and went to pounce forward but Dean moved in front of him. Rose calmed down instantly, Rose tilted her head and sat down like a puppy.
Dean said" It's okay, Rose. We're okay. It's fine." Rose clambered onto his back and she relaxed against his neck.

We were silent, Ellen and Jo left us with our dad, and with Rose. We don't know how to explain it, really, we've never had to. Bobby got used to her, Ellen, Ash and Jo didn't have any problem with her. Rose was quietly chewing my sleeve in my lap as Dean and I looked at our dad.
Dad said" Still Haven't told me who the kid is?"
Dean said" She's Rose."
" Who'd you get a kid from?" He's too calm, I don't like it, I lowered my head and protected Rose. There's no way I'm letting this little fluff ball get hurt by my father.
" We... uh, we can't say."
" Then tell me, why in hell she has a tail and ears?!" Rose yelped and dug her face into my neck, wanting to get far away from him. Dean looked at our Dad with a cold look, what is about to happen? I don't know.

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