Chapter 6

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Rose's POV
We were at the bunker now, Jack was playing with me, I heard Cas' voice, I tilted my head and went to go to him. Jack grabbed my hand and shook his head,
I said" What's wrong, Jackie?"
Jack said" It's nothing, they're just working a case."
" Okay."
I continued to play with him till Dean and Sam came in, I looked at them and smiled.
Dean said" Rose, can we ask you something?" I nodded," Would you like to start school?" I tilted my head, I don't understand," Rose, school is when you go to another building and stay there for a few hours then you come home." I whimpered," No, no, it's okay, it's okay."
I mumbled" Get rid of Rose."
" No, no, no. We'll see you in the morning and when we pick you up from school."
" I don't understand." Dean crouched down and looked up at me,
" Look Rose, you'll still come home to us. We aren't and will never get rid of you, okay? We just feel like you need some normality in your life. Just for a little bit. We'll see how it goes for like a week, and if you like it you can stay in school, if you don't, then we'll take you out of it, okay?"
" Okay, Dean."

Sam was buttoning up my flannel, it looked like Dean's, I was giggling when he would tickle my tummy.
Sam said" You're gonna be just fine, you have those sigils on your shoulders and Cas, Jackie are watching out for you, okay? Be good too, don't act like Dean." I giggled and nodded," You'll have fun, maybe. Dean'll have a different say but you'll be okay." He kissed my head then tied my shoes, I nodded and ran to the car, Dean and him following behind me.

When we got to the building, I got scared, I whimpered then looked at Sammy and Dean.
Dean said" It's okay, nothing's gonna go wrong, if it does I'll be there to stop it, okay, Rose?"
I said" Okay, Dean." I leaned up and kissed his cheek before kissing Sam's cheek. I scooted out of the car and walked into the building, it smelled funny and there were lots of loud noises but it didn't look scary or dangerous. I walked into the front office,
I said" I'm Rose... I'm new here."
The woman said" Hi, Rose. That's a cute name, where's your mommy or daddy?" Uh-oh. Jack, I need your help! I had heard the rumble of the impala so I knew Dean and Sammy were long gone. Jack walked into the office,
He said" Sorry, she just ran right in, I'm her older brother. Our mom and dad had to work really early so I brought her in." I smiled up at him, he actually came to me! I didn't even say his name! I just thought about him and he showed up!
" What's your last name?"
" Uh... Winchester. She's Rose Winchester."
" Ah, Rose, there she is. She's in room, 124. If you'd like to take her, you can."
" Sure, come on, Rosie." We walked out of there and into the hallway, Jack crouched down," Remember, Rosie, you can't talk about your puppy ears or tail, and you can't talk about me or Cas, okay?"
I said" I know, Jackie. Will you come play with me when I get home?"
" Of course I will, we'll play Peter Pan, huh?"
" Yay! I'll see you soon, Jackie, bye." I kissed his cheek and hugged him, inhaling his familiar scent. I let go of him and waved after walking away from him.
Once I got to my classroom, it was bright and colorful, I smiled a bit then walked to the teacher.
She said" Oh, you must be Rose, that's such a cute name. Where's your mommy or daddy?"
I said" Oh, my brother just left, our parents can't'd make it."
" Couldn't. Okay, well, I guess I can meet them on parent's night which is this Friday. Have a seat right there, where your name is." I sat at the seat with my name, and looked around as the class filled with more kids. They all sat down," Class, we have a new student, her name is Rose, say hi."
The kids said" Hi, Rose." I waved and looked down, tugging my hat down a bit,
" Rose, wanna say something about yourself?" I shook my head," Okay. Let's begin class."
After a few hours, I was getting bored and my leg wouldn't stop bouncing. I followed the class to the lunch room and got the lunch, I sniffed it then pushed the tray away from me. I'm not eating whatever that is, I sniffed it again, then scrunched up my nose. I sighed then whispered" Cas, 'm hungry, but this stuff's stinky." I went into the bathroom and locked the door, it was like one room, Cas appeared and smiled at me. I looked at him and shook my head,
He said" What's wrong, little one?"
I said" I'm hungry, and I miss Sammy and Dean, and my leg won't stop bouncing." I got on all fours and started pacing back and forth, my head touching the wall every time, he snapped his fingers and a bag of chips and a juice appeared. I stood up and took the chips, eating them while Cas told me stories. I heard the bell ring, I jumped up, dropping the bag of chips and juice then took off running out of the bathroom. We went to the playground and everyone started playing, no one else was wearing hats, my tail pushed against the pants and I whimpered. I looked around, what was all this? I don't understand. I sat on a sidewalk curb and waited for recess to be over.
Once back in the classroom, I was itching to be away from here and I wanted Dean and Sam. I looked at the clock, it was 1:15, we leave this place soon, school is out at 2:25. Just an hour, I think, I can make it through that. We were coloring, my hands hurt and I looked around, no one was like me here... I don't understand... how am I the only person with puppy ears and a tail, and extra senses?
My head really hurt, my body ached, I wanted out! I want out! I heard everything, the scraping of chairs and chalk, the writing of pencils, crayons and markers. I need out! I held onto the table and looked down, I pulled out a little mirror Dean gave me and looked at my eyes. They were changing colors, I closed my eyes tightly then opened them, they were back to normal for now.
I want to go home!

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