Chapter 2

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-5 years later-

~Scarlett's POV💫~

I huddled behind my mothers legs as we walked up a stone path to a school.

"Don't worry, Scarlett! You will enjoy it here."

I nodded weakly before meeting half way with a dark pink pony.

"Cheerilee!" mum chirped.

"Good morning Princess." She bowed. At her low position, she caught sight of me. "And who is this?"

"My daughter, Princess Scarlett."

I watched as she twinkle-toed in one spot and her smile widened.

"How lovely, 2 princess's attending this school!"

"Two?" Mum took a few steps back, revealing me a bit more.

"Oh yes!" The earth pony cheered happily. "Princess Skyla attends this school as well."

My eyes widened. I immediately revealed my whole body scanning the grounds with the biggest smile on my face.

"Oh! Your cousin! See hon, it won't be too bad."

I only just herd her words as I spotted the other princess, galloping towards her, bringing in a hug. Aunty Cadence towered above us. Once we pulled away she gave us light kisses on the forehead and flew away.


Her light blue eyes shone with excitement, while my eyes of purple showed nervousness.

"Come on Scarlett!" Skyla hovered towards the entrance, flapping her small wings frantically. A warm hug came from behind me.

"Good luck!" Mother too, flew off.

Get a grip! You will do fine!

(P.S: I'm gonna pretend that the cutie mark crusaders, Diamond tiara and silver spoon are still there age. Even though they're suppose to be in highschool. STUFF IT!)

Skyla and I took the only available seats, which were at the back of the room. There was no point to that though, because my new teacher called for both of us to stand up the front. I fluffed my curly hair with fear.

"Class, we have two new very special young princesses!" Cheerilee's voice echoed across the classroom.

The whole class bursted into mutters, but one particularly load one stood out from the others. A light pink pony with white waved hair touched the crown she wore.

"Oh please!" She turned away in disgust. "I'm the real princess here! They haven't even got their cutie marks!"

It was true. In reaction to that comment I turn to my flank and sigh, for it was bare.

"Okay settle down now!" She raised a hoof and waved it up and down a bit closing her eyes. "Make Princess Skyla and Scarlett welcome!"

My cousin elegantly waved her hoof in respect. I didn't dare do that. I always thought that every pony was equal. You could say I got that from Mum but I was also really shy and always stuck to my own work. Skyla was always the girly-girl sorta type. She's beautiful and kind but takes her royal title a little too seriously.

I quickly returned to my desk and rolled my eyes as Skyla took forever to walk down the fourth row of tables.

That tiara-wearing-diva had turned around an stuck her tongue out at me. I had learned manners, and I was very disgusted with her behaviour. I could tell that we weren't going to get along very well...

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