Chapter 10

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Fluttershy's POV~

I just have to figure out why rainbowdash ran off.

I walk through ponyville looking at all the fauna and flora. The sun shone brightly and it was a beautiful day. I noticed a few pony's but I heardly ever spoke to them.

I was admiring a wonderful pink butterfly when I crashed into somepony.

"Oh, excuse me." I stuttered.

"Fluttershy! Howdy partner, where are you off too?" Applejack helped me up.

"Oh hi applejack, I was just on my way to cloudsdale."

"Cloudsdale, huh?" She raised an eyebrow. "If you see dash, tell her when she gets back that she has to see me."

"Okay." I nodded obediently. She eyed my wings, that had the box of cupcakes folded up inside of them. "What's in the box?"

I turned to my wings. "What, this box? Oh nothing, just a gift." I giggled weakly.

"Well I best be off sugarcube. C ya round!"

As soon as I got to cloudsdale, I searched for rainbowdash. I asked everyone I knew, but nopony had seen her today. I let out a load sigh.

"Fluttershy?" A high raspy voice said behind me.

I turned around the find the cyan pony. "Oh gosh rainbowdash! Thank celestia! Everyone was so worried about you."

"Everyone?" She looked nervous.

"Um... yeah. Oh and I got these for you." I extended the cupcakes out to her.

"Wow! Thanks fluttershy." She thanked gratefully, taking the pink box. "I guess I have to give you a reason for why I went, huh?"

"Well, the others want to know desperatly!" I whispered.

She sighed. "Its embarrassing!"

"Oh please rainbow dash!"

"Fine. I lost in a race against applejack." She berried her head in the fluffy white cloud that we stood on.

"Sorry to ask but what's so bad about losing that you have to run away."

"I. Hate. Losing." Her voice was muffled.

"Oh and applejack said that when you return to ponyville she wants to see you right away."

She pulled her head out and her eyes widened.

"Applejack... applejack... OMG, Applejack!!!" Suddenly she zoomed off.

Still a bit confused from the sudden rush I received a letter from derpy, the messager of cloudsdale.

It read:

Dear Fluttershy,

Come to canterlot at once!

Love, Twilight.

I wonder what this is about!



Sup??? Getting back to Scarlett in the next chapter okay! I kinda went off track and stuff. So yeah... this chap is short as but -_- meh.

/) Bro hoof!

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