Chapter 11

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"What do you mean he's still in there?!" Emily shouted at Logan. 

"I mean what I said! He saved me and told me to run!" Logan said back.

Emily looked down angrily. "That was many years work that's probably now destroyed!"

"And my friend..." Logan added. 

"Let's go home Alex...we need to plan a rescue..." She said and left with Alex, leaving Sherry and Logan alone in front of the restaurant.

"What's the plan Logan?" Sherry asked.

Logan was silent and stared up at the restaurant. Thoughts raced through his mind, thoughts of the past, present, and even what was to come. How long had he been going through all of this?

He tried to do the math in his head. 2017 minus, was it 1984? That was the year of the murder as far as he could remember. He continued his math and came to about 33 years.

"Has it really been that many years?" He asked himself.

"What was that?" Sherry asked.

"Has the restaurant really plagued me for over 30 years?" 

Sherry was quiet.

"We need to end this. We're ending this tomorrow." Logan said. "Call Mike, because we'll need him too."

"And what about Jeremy?" Sherry asked.

"No, let's not bring him into this." Logan answered. "It's just us."

~ The Next Day~

Logan arrived in front of the restaurant. The powerful wind blew, shaking leaves from the trees. A rumble of thunder echoed through the sky. Logan felt like he was in the climax of a movie. But this was no movie.

"33 years of pain lead to this." He said. "I just hope I'm able to end it."

Sherry, Mike, and Myra drove up and exited the vehicle.

"Logan, what's going on?" Mike said as he walked up.

"We're going in to save Silver, well, Rocky." Logan said.

"Rocky? You mean?" Mike asked.

"Yeah. He's in trouble." Logan explained. "We have to save him and stop the animatronics. Once and for all."

Mike nodded. "I'm not too pumped, but if it ends this madness, you've got me."

"And us!" 

Logan looked to the voice and saw Alex and Emily walking up.

"You guys too?" Logan asked.

"Of course! He is our animatronic." Emily said with a smirk.

"Glad to have you on board." Logan said.

The six of them walked into the restaurant. Logan entered the elevator first. As Mike was about to enter, the door slammed shut, leaving Logan alone inside. The elevator began its decent into the belly of the beast. 

"Welcome back to your last day on the job. That is, the last day of your first week! Some of the most valued qualities that we like to see in new employees are determination, fearlessness and a genuine disregard for instinctive self-preservation. You've earned your one-week bonus which will be given to you in the form of a delightful gift basket, the cost of which will be taken out of your next paycheck. We have gift-baskets containing fruit, nuts, flowers and of course the ever-popular cash-basket." The AI voice said.

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