A Chance For Adventure

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Have you ever had a crush? A crush on someone who is completely and utterly confusing? Someone who does these things, that get you to believe he might actually like you back. But then he calls you these names that you don't like, but you're completely ok with him calling you them because it's him. Have you ever had a crush like that? Well, I have, and it's not something that easy to live with, especially when you spend almost the entire day and night with him.


I quickly run down the stairs, running into the kitchen to quickly grab a granola bar. Mom must have left for work early today.

I grab my keys and head outside. The cold breeze hits me as I step out onto the concrete. I look over at the house next door.

Waiting for Yoongi to come out.

But like always he doesn't. I honestly don't know why I still wait for him.

I stomp over to his house. As I'm about to knock, the door opens. And the famous Min Yoongi steps out. He closes the door behind him before turning around.

"You're late again," I say plainly.

"And you're as cute as always," He says, chuckling as he ruffles my hair, messing up the beautiful curls I had worked on. I slap his hand on my head.

"Yah, why do you always have to ruin my hair"

"Because I find it amusing how angry you get" Once again he chuckles as he walks down the stairs and heads fo the sidewalk. I run after him, fixing my hair in the process.

"Amusing?" I said cocking my head to the side.

"Yes, now walk faster we're going to be late for school." Suddenly he starts to take bigger steps, and quicken his pace.

"Yah, wait for me," I say running after him.


Finally lunch time.

I walk out of the classroom, the boys following behind me, while Jisoo, Jennie, Lisa and Rose stand next to me. Behind us, you can hear the boys laughing, and fooling around.

"Can you guys just walk normally for once?" Jennie yells behind her shoulder. I laugh as the boys start to quiet down.

AS we turn the corner something catches my eye. A huge poster hangs on the wall.

"Class Trip Busan city, 1 week, sign up now." I leave my group and walk over to it.

"Guys look we should sign up, it'll be fun"

"Yeah we should," Jungkook says running up behind me

"I'm sure our parents will let us" Jimin comes up behind Jungkook, pulling him into a neck lock

"Why do you always have to hurt poor little Jungkook," Lisa says, trying to get Jimin off of Jungkook.

"Yeah let's do it, it'll be a chance for adventure" Yoongi comes up behind me, wrapping his arm around my shoulder. I gasp a little, even though I'm used to his sudden skinship, I still get butterflies in my stomach everytime he does touch me.

"Ok then, let's go sign up"


"Bye mom, I'll see you in a couple of weeks," I say carrying my luggage out the door. Yoongi was waiting outside for me. For the first time in forever. "Wow you're early for once"

"Hey, maybe I wanted to be early for once"

"Is that really the only reason?"

"No, I wanted to ask you something."

I look up at him, surprised." What do you want to ask me Yoongi?"

"Um, can I sit next to you? Please." He says softly, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Yeah sure, but why?"

"Well, you see Nayeon has been bothering me-"

"Doesn't she always?." I snort. Nayeon has always wanted to get close to Yoongi. It bothered me...A LOT. She was so clingy, and Yoongi always looked like he wanted to kill her in her sleep. I didn't like the fact that she bothered Yoongi so much, it bothered me.

"No yeah she does, but she asked me yesterday if she could sit with me on the bus, and the drive is 4 hours, I really can't deal with him that long, so please sit next to me so that she doesn't" He whines, pulling on my sleeve as we walk towards the school.

"Okay fine"

"Thank you, you will not regret it" He smiles "Now hurry up shorty were gonna be late for the bus" Suddenly he takes off running, dragging his suitcase behind him.

"And there's that nickname" I roll my eyes, before running after him.


We both get on the bus after loading our luggage on the bottom of the bus. Yoongi was behind me as we walked down the aisle and took one seat in the back of the bus. I sat down and Yoongi sat next to me. Moments later Nayeon got on the bus and looks around before spotting Yoongi in the back. She walked towards us, pouting in the process.

"I thought we were going to sit together," She said, folding her arms in front of her and cocking her hip.

"We were, but Y/N over here, she insisted that we sit together and I can't deny her I mean I've known her since we were born"

"Hmm I guess, but you have to share a room with me at the hotel," She says.


God, she really has no pride or dignity.

Yoongi looks over at me, rolling his eyes before turning back to look at Nayeon.

"Depends on whether they assign us rooms or not"

"True but if they don't assign rooms, we'll share a room ok?"

"Yeah sure," He says

Nayeon winks before walking away to the front and sitting with one of her friends.

"God she has no pride" He blurts out, sticking a finger in his mouth after Nayeon is gone. I burst out laughing at the thought.


We had been on the road for about 2 hours, the night was starting to fall over the day. Yoongi had fallen asleep on my shoulder.

 But before he had fallen asleep he had said "If I fall asleep, your shoulder will be perfect" I asked why and he responded with "Your short enough for my head to land perfectly on your shoulder, and you have really comfy shoulders" 

Of course, he had to make one of his jokes before leaving me alone for a couple of hours. I wasn't tired, so instead of sleeping, I looked out the window, admiring the scenery. The fields of flowers and crops running through. The sounds of the wind against the windows, and the sunset shining through them. It would be exciting to go to Busan. It would be fun and give us some time off from school. And it could give me and Yoongi more time to be together. Even though Yoongi did call me names and bothered me, he genuinely cared for me. He had always cared for me. Now that we were going to Busan Yoong and I would be able to have a little fun.

And like Yoongi had said before It Would be A Chance For Adventure. And Yoongi and I always looked for Adventure.

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