A Chance To Expand Our Chances

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After many failed attempts to convince Yoongi to let Chanyeol hang out with us, I had given up. 

Instead of begging him I would just ignore him. I honestly didn't know what his problem was, he has never been this...jealous?

 I don't even know what to call it, but he has been acting weird and I don't like it. Chanyeol looked like a nice guy, and he was new, he needed friends. 

I was glad to be his friend, but for some unknown reason, Yoongi wouldn't budge.

Both Chanyeol and I walk into the cafeteria, Yoongi follows behind us – still sulking over the fact that I've been ignoring him and his ignorant rants about Chanyeol.

After grabbing our trays, and me sneaking a cup of chocolate pudding onto Yoongi's tray – because I still love him and even with him being so overprotective, I know he's just overreacting- we walk to an empty table and sit down.

"So Chanyeol, where did you come from?" I ask, opening the pudding cup for Yoongi and handing it to him. 

He takes it from my hand and starts to shove spoonfuls into his mouth, his mouth still shaped into a soft frown.

"I transferred here from Daegu," He says, opening the package of baby carrots. 

I nod in response. I turn my gaze to look at Yoongi – who's chin and lips are now covered in pudding. I shake my head and grab a napkin to try and clean off the mess his made.

"Why is it always pudding?" I tsk.

 I dab the napkin with my tongue and start to clean off the pudding. Yoongi holds still until I'm done. As I put the napkin down, Chanyeol clears his throat. Both Yoongi and I run it look at him.

"Um..are you two dating?" He asks and looks down in embracement. 

I plainly stare at him before turning to look at Yoongi and then back and Chanyeol.

I wish Yoongi and I were dating...

"No, we're not, we've just been friends since we were born," I say.

"Both of our moms were best friends since high school, and coincidentally they lived right next door to each other, so when they both had kids, they thought I'd be nice for us to be friends," Yoongi says, the frown on his face is replaced with a tender smile.

I could tell he was remembering all the times we've shared. It melted my heart.

"Oh sorry, I thought you two-"He started

"No its fine, a lot of people think that," I say

Chanyeol's P.O.V

I really thought they were dating.

 They look so close. But now that I know that they aren't I might have a chance to get close to Y/N. I just really like the way she is. She's the first person to actually talk to me. 

Before I moved here, I went to a school where I wasn't visible. And when I was I was thrown to the ground by everyone in the school. I was bullied, only because I was one of the kids who was...intellectual. 

Poetry was my favorite subject, and not everyone liked it. So I was bullied. Y/N was the first person to talk to me without asking anything. SHe didn't even care who I was..and she asked me to hang out with them. 

And even though Yoongi didn't seem to like me. I was happy that he sort of accepted it. I'm happy that I might actually get to have friends this time around.

Your P.O.V

After lunch, and having to support Yoongi whining about why Chanyeol was still hanging out with us. But I like Chanyeol, he looks like a really nice guy and a smart one too. And we need a smart guy in our group. 

No offense to the boys but they can be a little dumb witted sometimes. Also, it would be nice to have a new friend.

Class ends and it's time to go home. But before we go I decided to unite the group and introduce Chanyeol to the rest of the group.

"Alright, so this is Chanyeol, he'll be part of our group now," I say pulling the shy male in front of me. Immediately everyone starts welcoming him, and it brings tears to my eyes - tears of joy.

"Alrighty, man welcome," Jungkook says, bringing out his hand to greet Chanyeol. But before Chanyeol can respond, Jimin jumps out and tackles Jungkook.

"Hey, I'm Jimin, nice to meet you," He says before dragging Jungkook away with him.

"Hi, I'm Lisa," She says before running after Jimin and Jungkook. All you hear in the distance is "Get off of him" and "You aren't his girlfriend".

Soon everyone introduces themselves and Chanyeol looks to be a little less shy. I'm glad that he got along with everyone, well almost everyone. 

Now we can all be friends. 

It'll give us a chance to expand our chances.

If only Yoongi could accept it, then it would be almost perfect.

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