A Chance For A Sleep Over

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Today was the day our adventures ended. Not specifically forever but for a while. Today we were heading back to Seoul. The days had passed extremely quickly and every day was lived to its fullest. The whole week I had spent it with Yoongi. Nayeon hadn't bothered us since the day Yoongi almost murdered her, so the rest of the week was peacefully enjoyed. Both Yoongi and I had really enjoyed the trip. The whole time we would hold hands, as usual, and we took plenty of pictures together.

Every now and then people would compliment us, as a couple. Truly it sprouted joy in my heart. Having people call Yoongi my boyfriend was a dream --that would never be true of course-- but having a sense of how it would feel filled me with contentment. Yoongi, of course, let it slide like he always did. Honestly, I sometimes felt as if he liked being called my boyfriend, maybe because it gave him a right to protect me --something he always did. But I always shook that thought away. Yoongi would never see me in that way. But it didn't matter, as long as I had him by my side forever I was fine with just being friends.

Truly throughout the whole trip, I had wanted to express my feelings to Yoongi. I wanted to tell him everything that was locked in my heart, longing to be released. But the thought of possibly losing Yoongi always shot through me and it made my heart ache in utter pain. So I just let the urge slip away, but it was still always lingering in my head.

From time to time, Yoongi would also act weird. He would get closer, a little too close. The night we returned from our first adventure he had instantaneously decided to climb into my bed and curl up next to me. I was surprised by his sudden affection, but I ignored and didn't give much thought to it. Every chance I could get to be with Yoongi I took it.

Other times he would randomly pull out his phone, and snap an off-guard picture of me. I would get mad and try and take his phone away from him, but he never gave in. So, in the end, he had almost 50 pictures of me. I thought it was both weird and cute the fact that he wanted pictures of me. But we have always been so close so I let it slip, just like I let everything else slip. I never gave it much thought, why would I? I mean he was just enjoying our time together like he always had. There's not really much between us, except an unbreakable friendship. Nothing but friends.

It hurt a little to think that way. To think that I could never have a chance with Yoongi. But like I had said before, as long as Yoongi was by my side, I would always choose us being friends over us being something else.

The thought of possibly losing him was just too bitter, and I couldn't live without him, just like he can't live without me. We just need each other.

Shrugging my coat on I grab my suitcase and head outside. Yoongi soon follows behind me and closes the door behind him. We both make our way down the hallways and into the elevator. The doors swing open and we walk inside. Silence falls over us as the door slowly close. I look over at Yoongi, he notices me staring and he looks over at me. I look away in embarrassment, the awkward silence just making everything worse. In that moment a shiver runs down my spine, making my whole body shake.

And that's when I feel it. Yoongi's hand wrapped around me. I look at him downright puzzled. What is he doing?

A smirk spreads across his face as his hand's snakes around my waist completely. He steadily moves towards me, and I can feel his hot breath on my lips. Heat rises in me, and once again I can feel the shiver run down my spine. He gradually proceeds to brush his hand against my cheek. Abruptly he tenderly murmurs.

"I love you Y/N"

But of course, that's all in my head. God get it together Y/N. I can't believe I just daydreamed that, and in the same space where Yoongi is. How do I live with myself??

I look over at Yoongi, this time he's a lot closer. He looks down at me, an eyebrow raised in confusion.

"Are you ok?" He asks, he had obviously noticed my blank out. I mean when I daydream I don't have the most discreet look on my face. Usually, my eyes are wide open, and the left corner of my mouth is tilted upward, making me look weirder than I already do. Honestly, I hate when I daydream, it just makes me look like I'm constipated. But what can I do, daydream come and go, there nothing I can do.

"Yeah I'm fine, I just blanked out," I say, smiling up at and looking away a little. Still embarrassed at the fact that I had awkwardly stared at him before daydreaming sinful things that no one should know about. Especially him.

Yoongi nods, and then the elevator dings, signaling us that we're here. The doors open and reveal a swarm of students crowded all over the hotel's lobby. We step out of the elevator and head over to our teacher. She smiles at us before leading us to our bus. We put our luggage into the bottom of the bus.

It seemed as though the space for luggage had decreased. Probably because everyone had bought a bunch of souvenir and their suitcases had grown. Yoongi and I hadn't bought too many things, we had mostly just taken pictures to keep as memories. We had found this cute little store that sells jewelry. Yoongi had dragged me inside immediately after seeing the sign Friendship bracelets buy one get one free, hanging on the window. The clerk had helped us pick the perfect ones out. And after minutes of arguing on who was going to pay - which of course made the clerk feel awkward- Yoongi paid. The both of us walked out, our bracelet flashing as we walked for the rest of the day. That was truly all we had bought, besides food of course. Honestly, I felt as though I had gained 5 pounds.

After stuffing our luggage into the bus, we closed the hatch. Once again our teacher leads us to the front of the bus.

"Ok so you Yoongi and Y/N, you can get on the bus now," She says, marking down our names. We smile at her before climbing into the bus. Pushing our way to the back seats that are still available I sit down, and Yoongi scoots in next to me. Moments later the rest of the students hustling inside, filling the leftover seats. The bus soon took off, leading us on a 4-hour long trip back home. Slowly I felt my body weaken and my eyelids started to feel heavy. The sunset was upon us, and the sky lit up in shades of orange and red. My head fell to the side as sleep took over me. I shot my head back up, and I heard Yoongi laugh.

"Here lay on my arm," Yoongi says, gently taking my head and laying it on his arm. I faintly smiled at him as sleep once again started to take over. As I fell into a deep sleep I heard a faint voice.

"Can I sleep over at your house today?" I heard Yoongi whisper in my ear. Sleepy and tired I slowly nodded, a smile melting onto my lips. Yoongi and I hadn't had a sleepover for a while and it would be fun. Especially since we had just had our fair share of adventures and need some time to relax together. It'll give us a chance to spend time together. A sleepover would be great.

Yoongi's P.O.V

I gently grabbed Y/N's head and placed it on my arm. She smiled at me before continuing her journey to sleep. Her sleeping figure had unexpectedly given me an idea. Today my parents probably aren't home, and if they are they're probably arguing again. I think today is good for a sleepover. I know both Y/N and I need it. Gently I lean into her ear and whisper, making sure not to disturb her too much.

"Can I sleep over at your house today?" I ask. Immediately a smile spreads across her lips and she softly nods. I smile to myself as I look out the window, the sun setting and creating a show of red and orange flares. A sleepover will do us good. It'll give us a chance to spend time together, more than we did this whole week. Away from everyone else, well actually be alone. And the fact that Y/N's parents completely let me and Y/N sleep together makes it better for me. This way I can sleep peacefully as Y/N's body warms mine. A sleepover always gives me a chance to get closer to Y/N.

A: There you go, its YN's reasons for not confessing. It sweet isn't it? Anyways I hope you are all enjoying this story. I hope to one day publish it, but of course with different character names:)

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