A Chance To Get Lost

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Yoongi's P.O.V

I had fallen asleep on Y/N's head when all of a sudden my arm got shoved over. I snapped my eyes open and shot my head towards whoever had been brave enough to disturb me. But I couldn't tell you it was because it was all pitch black. The lights of the bus had instantaneously turned on and some of the students were standing in the isle of the bus. I looked up again to see who was standing next to my seat. It was Jungkook. He must have accidentally hit me while getting up.

I gradually moved my body, remembering that Y/N was still sleeping on my arm. Cautiously I tapped her shoulder.

"Y/N..were here" I faintly said. She groaned in response before fluttering her eyes open. I tenderly smiled at her, admiring the fact that she was still half asleep which made her look cute and vulnerable. With her eyes still half closed she returned the smile.

I guess the doors of the bus had finally opened because students started to move down the aisle. The student slowly poured out into the parking lot, leaving the bus deserted. I looked back down at Y/N..she had fallen asleep without me noticing. I shook my head in disapproval.

I gently moved her head t the side and stood up.

Slowly I pulled her body to the edge of the seat and put her legs out into the aisle. I squatted down and wrapped her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist. Cautiously I stood up, making sure she wouldn't fall off my back. Making sure she wasn't going to fall off, I walked down the aisle and off the bus. The rest of the students had left, some were still scattered around the parking lot waiting for their parents, others were sitting on the benches the school had. It was about 7 pm, the moon had risen high in the sky creating a pretty blue to shadow us. I set Y/N down on a bench and positioned her to make sure she wasn't going to tip over. Quickly I ran back to the bus and got both of our suitcases. I run back to the bench Y/N is that only to find out she isn't there. I frantically look around. I pull the suitcases behind me running around to find her.

"Y/N where are you?!" I holler out. Panic takes over me as I can't seem to find her anywhere. I run around the parking lot the suitcases tumbling behind me. But I can't find her. Maybe she went home? Yeah..yeah she's probably home.

But how, she was asleep!!

I run out of the parking lot and jog down the road. I swear if I had known this was a chance for that stupid girl to get loose I wouldn't have left her on that bench. SHe can seriously be a pain in the ass sometimes. But still, my unconditional love always takes over.

I drag the suitcases behind me as I drag my own body to Y/N house. Tears start forming in my eyes as worrisome thoughts run through my head. I hope she's ok. She's slept walked before and holy God can she be destructive. But still the thought of her getting hurt..it would destroy me. I'm in charge of [protecting her and keeping her out of harm. And today I failed.

I walk up to her porch, pulling the suitcases up with me. All of a sudden I hear sobbing. I slowly set the suitcases inside the house, making sure not to make so much noise. I close the door and walk to where the sound is emerging from. It's coming from under the porch.

Abruptly I push in through the little hole that had been made 13 years ago. As I crawl inside the sobbing becomes louder. My eyes adjust to the light and I see Y/N curled up and shaking. I crawl over to her and hug her tight. She stops shaking and pulls her head from her knees to look up at me.

"I-i thought you had l-left me" Her voice shakes as she pushes against my chest. My heart breaks as the words come out of her mouth.

"I'm so sorry, ill never ever leave you alone..ever again," I say, pulling her closer to my chest. Her sobs calm down and her grip on my shirt loosens. I can feel her slowly falling, I guess she was really tired. Slowly I wrap my arm under her thighs and wrap the other around her back. I slowly get up and walk out.

"Come on, let's go begin out sleepover" I tenderly whisper as I walk up the stairs. I can hear her softly groan as she clings to my chest. I smile as the warmth of her body radiates onto mine. A sleepover really does always gives me a chance to get closer to her. A lot closer...

A: I know its a short chapter, I'm sorry. But you gotta admit its a sweet one. And its all in Yoongi's soft point of view:)

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