A Chance At First Love

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A: Guys, this is going to be a very fluffy chapter. It's sweet though so don't worry. Trust me you'll be crying at the end of how sweet this part is. Anyway, i hope you enjoy, and thanks for reading my story. Don't forget to vote and comment, I want to know what you guys think:)

We arrive at the Gukje Market. Immediately the smell of food hits me. All around me there was little stands of different things, jewelry, little toys, hats, and bows, and of course food. As we walk around I can't help but think back. What was Yoongi going to tell me? My heart was beating so fast as he stood in front me, the scene appearing to be something out of a drama. It was kind of magical. Even if it was for only a few seconds.

"Ok so what do you want to eat?" I hear Yoongi. I look around to see if there's something to eat. My eyes land on a little stand, a nice old lady handing out some hotteoks. I smile before grabbing Yoongi's hand and leading him towards the stand. Walking up to the stand I smile warmly at the old lady.

"Hello beautiful, what can I do for you today?" She asks, her voice hoarse but still warm and sweet.

"Can I have an order of 4 hotteoks please" I smile at her, as I pull out my wallet.

"Yes of course but please, it's on me," She says pulling out 4 hotteoks.

"Oh no please let me pay for them," Yoongi says pulling his wallet out as well.

"Your boyfriend is really sweet," The old lady says, handing us the hotteoks. I blush, my cheeks turning a rosy pink. My boyfriend...only in my dreams. I turn to look at Yoongi. He smiles at me before glancing away. What? Is he blushing?

"Thank you, um are you sure we can't pay for half?" I ask

"No, please enjoy your hotteoks" She smiles once more before we thank her and walk away. We go and sit at one of the tables that they had. It's awkward for a few send, the silence slowly kills me. It feels like an eternity. And all because she called him my boyfriend, jeez it was just a joke, he doesn't have to be all dramatic. And why is he so shy anyways? Honestly, Yoongi is so confusing.

"So are they good?" I asked breaking the ice.

"Yeah, yeah they're good," He says, stuffing his mouth with the hotteok. I look at him, my eyes burning through him. I can tell he's avoiding my gaze. Why?

"Yoongi! Look at me!" I yell, slamming my hand on the table. Everyone looks over at us. Yoongi slams his palm into his forehead. I of course, slowly slouch in my chair, multiple eyes looking at me makes me nervous. After a few moments, everyone looks away. Slowly Yoongi lifts his head and glares at me.

"Sorry, its just you weren't looking at me," I mumble, my face forming into a smug look. I look down and stuff another piece of hotteok into my mouth. Yoongi ditches the glare he had been giving me and gives a tilted smile.

"Y/N, before Nayeon interrupted me, I was going to say something." Yoongi starts, he looks down, an evident shade of pink spreading across his cheeks. Here it comes, what we both have been waiting for. Yoongi slowly reaches for my hand, his warm touch wrapping around my hand like a warm silk blanket on a winter night. "Y/N I... I think I want to be-." And he's cut off again.

"Oh my god, I knew I would find you eventually Yoongi," Nayeon says, rushing over to the table where we sat at.

Have you ever felt that feeling, a feeling where you want to murder someone so badly but you can't because you know it'll just make everything worse? A feeling of running up to that one person and just stabbing the fork that you have in your hand into their neck. An urge to just go with it and just accept the punishment because you know it'll just make you feel better. Well yeah, I'm feeling that right now, and I'm sure Yoongi is too. But you see, I'm better at holding these things in, Yoongi on the other hand...he cant hold these things in, he has to explode at some point, and that point is now.

As Nayeon reaches the table, Yoongi stands, pushing his chair back and his sudden movement causing the table to stumble a little. It almost looked as if he had grown a little bit, almost like when a cat puffs up the hair on its back so that it looks bigger.

He stomps over to Nayeon. Nayeon stops as she sees the frightening look on Yoongi. It's as if a beast was trapped inside him and he was now showing his true form, truly it was a terrifying sight, and I bet it was more terrifying for Nayeon considering Yoongi's eyes were burning through her. This is where I know I have to do something or else he'll go to jail.

In a way I felt like letting it happen, Nayeon would get what she deserved, but it wouldn't do any good to Yoongi. And even though he had to let his anger in some way, I couldn't let him commit murder. It was my job to protect him, and that's what I was going to do, even if it meant having to relief Nayeon of he well-deserved punishment.

I run over to Yoongi and before he can wrap his veiny hands around Nayeon's neck, I take his hands in mine. He turns to look, and as he sees me his eyes go from a fiery ash to a milk chocolate color. I smile at him, and he smiles back. His shoulders go from tensed to relaxed, and he once again looks like the soft kitten he was, nothing like the towering beast he was 2 seconds ago. I look behind him to look at Nayeon. She looks traumatized. Mina is holding her head, gently petting her hair. I smile at her and signal Mina to take her somewhere else. She nods and slowly leads Nayeon in a different direction. I look back at Yoongi. I smile at him, squeezing his hands that are still being held in mine.

"Let's go" I gently say, pulling him with me to go and find another cab. I think it's a good time to head over to the Dazhu Ecological Park. It's a nice and peaceful scene, I think it'll do good for Yoongi. It'll help him calm down, and take his mind off of his murderous thoughts.

Yoongi's P.O.V

If it weren't for Y/N I would have committed murder.

As I was about to grab Nayeon neck, I felt small warm hands wrap around mine. I looked down to see Y/N. Her doe eyes pierced into mine, and I felt myself relax. It wasn't the first time she had done this. Every time I was frustrated, it was as if she were in my head, and she knew. She knew that she had to find a way to calm me, and she always did, without even trying. Her touch just always seems to wash relief over me.

Every time.

She's the only one who can make me feel that way. The only one who can calm me like that. The only one who keeps me alive. The only one who can prevent me from committing murder. The only one who I can trust so much. The only one who would always wait for me.

Every time my parents fought and I ran away, she'd find me, hiding under her porch steps. And when she heard yelling coming from my house, and she knew I would show up under her steps, she would wait for me.


Even when I yelled at her, pushed her away, and ignored her, she would wait and find a way to calm me. Even if I threw a tantrum, if I threw my things across the room, she would wait silently, without fear, and let me finish before I ran to her and cried in her arms. She's the only one whos ever seen me in that state.

The only one who has forgiven me for such things.

The only one who has stuck with me through thick and thin.

The only one who can handle me.

The only one who knows the real me.

The only one who has protected me.

She's the only one I have.

The only one I want.

And if I had a chance at first love.

She would, will and always has been my first love. 

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