A Chance To Forget

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It's been almost a week since Chanyeol arrived. Even though Yoongi still won't accept him, I know he's trying. Or at least he's trying for me.

It was Sunday, which meant school tomorrow. Some of us decided to hang out at the mall together to enjoy the rest of the weekend.

Yoongi and I borrowed my mom's car and he drove us to the mall. Once we had arrived, everyone was already there. Chanyeol had come along too. Yoongi didn't look too pleased but he put his glares away and pretended not to care.

¨So where do you guys want to look first?¨ I ask.

¨Why don't we all go get some ice cream?¨ Chanyeol says as he comes up to stand next to me. Both Yoongi and Chanyeol tower over me. I feel like a children's plastic cup standing next to two tall glasses. Yoongi looks like he's a tall glass of water, but when he stands next to Chanyeol it looks like Chanyeol is the tall glass of water, and Yoongi is just a shot glass waiting to be filled with liquor.

¨Yeah lets go¨.

Taking my hand, Yoongi leads me towards the Ice cream shop. We all order and pay. Chanyeol is kind enough to pay for mine and Yoongi's. Even though Yoongi didn't want him to, he decided to let him, considering the fact that he wouldn't have to spend money.

Once we all had our Ice Cream, we walked around. Window shopping was our specialty so thats exactly what we did.

At some point during our fantastic window shopping, Chanyeol had crossed our arms together. I didn't mind, I mean Yoongi did that all the time so it was really no different. Except it was because when Yoongi does it, my cheeks burn and the butterflies in my stomach grow. It wasn't that way with Chanyeol. So you could say it was more comfortable when Chanyeol did it, but more special when Yoongi did it.

Everything Yoongi did was special. To the eye of a normal bystander, it would look like two friends, enjoying their time together. To me on the other hand it felt like i was the only girl in the world, and Yoongi would never look at anyone but me, and nothing and i mean nothing, mattered more than us bonding during the few seconds that we were both alone. Pretty extra i know, but that's just the way my heart saw it.

As Chanyeol and I walked along the stores, Yoongi had also come up next to me. Instead of crossing our arms though, he held my hand and intertwined my fingers. Chanyeol noticed, and I was afraid he would see how flustered I was.

¨Wow Yoongi, it looks like you and Y/n are a couple, and Chanyeol is a clingy third wheel¨ Hoseok laughs.

I look at the three of us, and he's right. It looks exaclty like that. It looked as though we had all been close friends before, but Yoongi and I had fallen in love and were a new couple that couldn't let go of each other for even a second, while Chanyeol was the clingy third wheel who didn't want to get left out because his two bestfriends were now a thing and he was clinging to the last drop of attention they were giving him.

Wow, that's embarrassing and completely over dramatic of me.

Slowly I felt Chanyeol slip his hand out, after hearing what Hoseok had said. He also looked flustered. His cheeks had turned pink and his cheeks had formed a chubby toothless smile.

I'm guessing Hoseok noticed what Chanyeol had done because he imidiately made another embarrassingly true comment.

¨Now it just looks like you're a couple, why don't you guys just date already?¨ Hoseok asks. He makes a heart with her hands and looks through it at Yoongi and me, making a shooting sound as he pretends to throw the heart at us.

Me, who is the dumbest and most awkward person on earth decides to quickly change the subject before something else happens. Something like Yoongi going "eww i don't like Y/N like that" and then left im sanding there completely rejected.

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