~i ran~

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I ran so fast. My legs felt like they were going to fall off. I had been running at this same speed for about six minutes, tears falling down my face. I was already passed my school and only a few blocks from Wyatt's place. 

His front porch was dark, not a single light was on. I saw two skate boards sitting next to the front door, probably Jae and Finn's. I walked up the steps to knock on the door. It took a few moment before I heard someone unlocking it. I rubbed my face with my hoodie, trying to clean away old tears. 

I saw a few lights turn on through the windows. The door open and I saw Wyatt smiling.

"Hey," he said. "You're a early".

I nodded.

"Something happened?"

I nodded again and he saw that I was about to cry again. He pulled me into a hug and just let me cry. 

daddy issues ~ sophia lillisWhere stories live. Discover now