Promposal Pt. 1

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"But Father I don't want to go to the dance!"

"I'm not asking you if you want to go Damian. You're seventeen years old and you're almost graduating high school. Be a normal teenager and have f- "

"We both know that I'm no normal teenager, father. Besides, I don't do fun."

Bruce looks at his son with his signature emotionless face, "It's final Damian, you're going to that dance. Alfred was kind enough to send a tuxedo of your size, so that's one less thing you have to worry about..." And his lips form to a mischievous smirk, "Oh, before I forget, you're going to need a date."

And with that, the laptop screen went dark, leaving a scowling Damian alone in his room. Grumbling quietly to himself, he got up his bed and exited towards the common room. When he approached the common room, he could hear the constant hitting of metal and wood and the constant curses that came from Garfield, which meant he was losing the game of foosball.

As doors slide open, Jaime and Garfield paused their game as Damian walked toward the couch with still arms crossed and grumbling with a scowl. Both boys look at each other with the same question in their minds, so they walked over to Damian.

"Why the long face, bony ass?" asked Garfield.

Damian's scowled face turned to face Garfield, with a glare. He sneered at the changeling, "None of your damn business, String Bean."

Jaime raised a dark eyebrow at the younger boy's response and reworded the question. "You seem upset about something, amigo. What's up?"

Sighing, Damian explained his situation to the older boys: how his father, Batman, is forcing him to go to Prom and how he needs to take a date. Damian expected them to laugh, and he wasn't disappointed when they both started cracking up. So, his scowl returned and crossed his arms again, brooding. The doors swooshed open.

"Why are you laughing?"

The two laughing boys and the one brooding boy over to see the Amazonian warrior, looking with a curious expression walking towards them.

Garfield wipes his tears away turning to the girl, "Bat Brat here, needs a date for Prom."

Donna, slowly nodded her head, and asked, "What is this Prom?"

Jaime smiled sweetly at the girl, "Well Prom is a dance where all last year high school students celebrate the end of their journey in high school. It's the one of the major activities for seniors. It's also where they announce who the Prom King and Queen are."

"And when you go to Prom, you need a date." Added Garfield, with a smirk looking back at Damian.

Donna's blue eyes brighten with understanding, and turned her eyes to Damian. "Well, if you are going to this dance then you should go with someone you feel comfortable to have fun. And pray to Hera, you and your date become the monarchs of Prom."

The changeling arrogantly smirked at Damian, "Yeah, Damian. Why don'tcha ask Rae-Rae to be your date for Prom?"

Said young man's green eyes narrowed, with a small blush, as he glared at Garfield. "I don't know what you're talking about, Logan."

Garfield scoffed at the boy, rolling his eyes. "Oh please Damian, we've all seen you mooning at her when you think no one's looking. And don't try to deny it! I took pictures."

Damian stood up from the couch. "I don't do such a thing!"

"Unfortunately so, Damian. I have seen it myself as well." Responded Donna with a small smile.

As a sign of giving up, Damian fell back on the couch regaining his scowl and crossing his arms.

Jaime shook his head with a smirk, "We'll help you with the Promposal."

Garfield gave a thumb up and Donna eagerly nodded her head, and asked what a "Promposal" is.

"Alright muchachos y muchacha. Garfield, you're in charge of making the poster. Donna, you're going to get all the information about Raven that we can use for poster. I'll get all the things we're going to use. And Damian," the three older teens turn to face said brooding teen, "You'll get the corsage for Raven."

"The what?"

"The corsage. It's a flower that girls where for Prom."

Damian rolls his eyes.

Garfield jumped up and exclaimed loudly, "This is going to be the best time ever!"

"What's going to be to the best time ever?" asked a new voice.

The four teenagers were startled by the new voice and turned to see Raven pulling her hood off her head. There was a silent moment until Raven repeated her question looking at each of her teammates'/friends' faces. She never noticed Damian's blush.

Before Jaime and Donna tried to come up with something and Damian not looking at her, Garfield blurted out, "Kori's pregnant!" Everyone stared at him with wide eyes, yet no one stopped him from continuing, "And we decided that we're going to have a baby shower for her!"

Everyone minus Raven, facepalmed. Does he really think someone as smart as Raven will buy this excuse?

But today's full of surprise for them.

Raven nodded slowly. "Oh. How can I help?"

The quad looked at each other, thinking of a way to not let her know about their actual plan.

Donna stepped closer to Raven with a smile, "Perhaps you can help me bake the cake? It is a good way for us to bond."

Knowing what she's trying to do Jaime added, "Yeah! You two could you know bake the cake! I'll get all the decorations and Garfield could plan how we can set up the party!"

"What about Damian?" asked Raven, looking at the teenager on the couch.

"I-I uh... I could help Garfield and Jaime."

Donna clapped loudly, "Great! We have everything settled."

Everyone nodded their heads and Raven headed towards the kitchen for a cup of tea.

Checking that Raven isn't in the room, Jaime turned to Garfield and whacked him on the arm. "Great thinking Gar! Now we gotta buy baby shower stuff!"

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