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"Batman to Batcave, do you read my location?"

"I got your location, Damian. Carry on."

Damian Wayne rolled his green eyes under the cowl as he crouched next to a stone gargoyle on the clock tower.

"I'm on patrol my alias is Batman, Raven."

"Well technically speaking Batman, Raven is my name. My alias is Rachel Roth."

Batman swung to the next building using his grappling hook. He landed on an abandoned building, he looked around his surroundings with a small smile, "Don't you mean Rachel Wayne? Or would you prefer Oracle for now?"

"Fortunately, I can walk on my two feet, but my stomach isn't letting me do so right now."

He basically heard her roll her amethyst colored eyes while she typed on the Bat Computer. He then heard the babbling of a baby through his ear piece and Raven quietly humming to the baby.

"How are Arella and Thomas doing?"

She sighed in contentment, "Arella has been on her feet all day, she's only taken a two-hour nap and now doesn't want to stay in one place. She kept asking for papa and tried to grab the baby doves from the nest outside in the backyard. How she is so energetic for a two-year-old? It is beyond my knowledge. And Tommy has been more active than usual. I recently talked to Constantine and our doctor about it. They both reassured me that it's normal. Compared to Arella, he's been kicking more and more. My bladder might get bruised if he keeps using it as a soccer ball."

He chuckled quietly, "Like Father, like son." Batman continued his patrol. Gliding across the city through alleys and on top of buildings, somehow there has been little activity in Gotham. Every few minutes, he occasionally hears his daughter babble about whatever while her mother tries to quiet her down.

He decided that he'll end his patrol early, but before he was able to speak his wife warned their daughter.

"Arella, please be careful with the bats. We don't want to wake them."


"Yes, your father will be back Arella. Please sit with Mama."

Landing on the building across, Damian pressed his finger on the ear piece, "Tell her I'm on my way. It's been surprisingly calm tonight, so I'll call it a night."

A sigh escaped his wife's mouth as she placed her daughter on the seat next to her. "Papa is on, you can talk to him."

The two-year old gave her a toothless smile as she leaned closer the computer, "Papah?"

"Hi, Arella."

"Hi, Papah."

"I'll be home in a bit, don't tire your mother out. Your brother has been doing that to her."

"Ye Papa. You weed me boo?"

He smiled, "Yes, I'll read you a story when I get home."

He could practically hear her smile in her response, "ke Papah, Lu you."

"I love you too, child."

He heard Arella babbling and Raven quieting her down.

"I'll see you two in about half an hour."

"Okay, be careful on your way back. I love you."

"I love you too."

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