What We Want

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A/N: There is a universe in which Damian does become Nightwing (after Dick's death), so I decided use that, but Dick's still alive don't worry.

"Father I am 22 years old and I think I am ready to take a step further in my relationship with her. We both are responsible adults and we have been together for almost three years."

"Damian, you are too young for it. Are you sure there isn't any other reason why you want to move away from Jump City. Did you get her pregnant? Are you eloping?"

No!" Damian sighed and pinched the tip of his nose. "Listen, I know it seems like that. But I just want you to understand that we both want a sense of normalcy in our lives. San Francisco is only 5 hours away. Plus, you've always wanted Timothy and I to get along, this could be the only chance to do so."

His father sighed, "Damian, you two are not normal 22-year old's. You're the leader of the Titans, for god's sake. How will they feel knowing that their leader will be abandoning them? Who will be in charge?"

Damian glared at the apartment living room's wall and gritted his teeth harshly, "I am not abandoning the team. To answer your question, I consider giving the position either Wonder Girl or Blue Beetle. They both have the capability of doing so. They have proven that for years."

His father's silence gave him the chance to take a breath, and he continued in a more calmer voice, "I spent most of my childhood training to be my grandfather's replacement after his death. I spent my teenage years as Robin in the Teen Titans. I do not want to spend my adulthood as neither being Nightwing nor taking the mantle of Batman forever. I'm not saying that I want to permanently quit being a hero, I am taking a break from it so we could live a normal life. My girlfriend is attending community college, here in Jump City. And she got accepted to University of San Francisco. Full scholarship."

"What about you? What are you going to do when she's in school?"

"I'll find a job there. I know that there is Wayne Enterprise in San Francisco, I could find a half-time job there. Continue my education, as well. Who knows maybe create a Titans team over there."

He heard his father chuckle slightly, "You really are determined about this decision?"

The youngest Wayne's facial expression changed from upset to calm, "I'm as stubborn as you, father."

"Yes, you are."

Few minutes of silence passed between the two men. Damian just stared out at the window in front of him, his lips pursed. He heard the door open, and looked to see Raven walking in holding grocery bags and her backpack. She gave him a small smile that he returned and walked toward the kitchen. His eyes followed her.

That was until Bruce exhaled startling Damian, "I respect your decision. I just thought that this day would come sometime further in the future. I have the suspicion that you, Dick, and Tim grew up too quickly... Though you three would do anything for the women you love. Dick giving up his place as Nightwing and leader for Koriand'r and Mar'i. Tim giving up Red Robin for Stephanie and moving to San Francisco. And now you for Raven."

Damian chuckled turning to look at said person, who started putting fruit in the ceiling basket. She felt his eyes on her and she turned giving him a questioning expression. He shook his head and gave her a grin. She kept looking him.

"What can I say? We would anything for our loved ones." He walked towards the kitchen, grabbing a pear from the basket and turned to face his girlfriend, "I love Raven and I want to spend my whole life with her. I'll be willing to sacrifice anything for her."

Raven looked at him and rewarded him a rare grin and mouthing back, "I love you too."

He returned her a grin and spoke to his father, "And I know you would be willing to do anything for Selina."

Bruce cleared his throat, "Good bye, Damian."

With his signature smirk noticeable in his voice, he returned the goodbye and hung up.

The monotone voice laced with tease came from next to him, "So is that the way you planned on proposing to me?"

He chuckled and shook his head, "No actually." He grabbed her hands and pulled her to his chest. "I actually had this big thing planned, but you know what? Right now is also the great time. I'll make the lack of pizzazz for our wedding, of course if you say yes -"

"Get to the point, Wayne. I have two projects to work on."

Going on his knee, he pulled out a vintage Diamond & Amethyst Engagement Ring. "Raven Roth, will you marry me?"

Raven looked at her boyfriend's eyes and smiled at him, "Damian Wayne, I will marry you and your lack of creativity."

They both smiled when he placed the ring on her finger. She looked at him and kissed him.

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