
452 11 0

Age: 18? 19?

Summary: The television is broken, so is the training equipment. Half the team want a new television and the other half want new training equipment. But in order to get any of this, the majority of the team has to agree on it. So, how will the two sides try to convince each other to get what they want?

"We could get new training equipment, Garfield. Forget about the new TV, there's nothing wrong with the one we have."

"There is so much wrong with this TV, Donna! Have you been watching it! No you haven't! They don't have any channels that I love to watch. How am I going to watch TV or play video games?!"

"That doesn't have anything to do with—"

"Yes, it does! We need a new TV. I'll talk to Dick about it right now."

Garfield stormed out of the common room. Donna sighed shaking her head. Jaime rubbed her back.

"We do need a new television, Don. Just think about the number of times it's been hit with Garfield's stank balls. The poor television has been exposed to whatever held the stank ball together."

"I don't know Jaime. All the training equipment is either breaking or already broken. I just think that it is more important for us to stay in shape for battle, rather than to lounge around like Couch potatoes."

The door swished opened revealing Raven and Damian walking out. Raven turned to see Jaime rubbing Donna's back, her hands on her face, and sitting closely together on the couch.

Damian raised his eyebrow, "Did we interrupt something?"

Jaime answered for them both, "No, not this time..."

Damian nodded his head and left to the kitchen. Raven walked towards the couch sitting next to Donna.

She asked her, "Is there any reason why Beast Boy ran to Nightwing's room?"

Jaime answered, "Unfortunately yes there is a reason and it's a good reason."

Donna shook her head, "No, It's not a good one."

Raven furrowed her eyebrows at them and sighed, "What are you two talking about?"

Aqualad, who was sitting in front of the window, answered, "Beast Boy and Blue Beetle want a new television, while Donna thinks that the money could be used to buy new training equipment. I think that the money is better used for new equipment."

Donna sent a grateful smile to Aqualad. "Thank you, Jackson."

Damian walked back from the kitchen towards the others. He placed his arm around Raven's waist, "We do need new equipment. It's easily broken."

Donna and Aqualad nodded in agreement.

Beast Boy ran back in time hearing the comment and yelled, "We don't need more equipment! We need a new TV! Imagine how much better would it be, if we didn't have to worry about the television short circuiting or something. How are we going to be able to play video games?"

Raven raised her eyebrows, "You're the only one who plays them. Hell, you're practically the only one who uses the TV."

"That's not the point! What about you, how are you going to watch Pretty Little Pegasus?"

"That was one time."

"LIES! I've seen the recordings so many times."

Damian raised an eyebrow at his girlfriend, "Is that what you watch when I'm not around?"

Raven's usual pale skin burned red, she used her powers to grab Beast Boy and holding him up high by his foot. She ignored his screaming and pleading. She dropped him onto the ground.

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