Day #1: Sharing A Bed

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A/N: It's Day 1 of the DamiRae week. So here is the first.

"I don't understand why I have to take Calculus as an English Literature Major. I didn't need this in high school, why would I need it now?"

Twenty-one-year-old Rachel Roth chewed on her pen cap as she scrutinized her textbook. It makes no sense as to why she needs to know the area under a parabola and a line when she needed to focus on working on her essays and on the college's newspaper.

Sighing loudly, she pushed herself back on her chair and stared at her abandoned novel on her bed. She stared longingly at it for a minute until a tap on her window caught her attention. She got up and went towards the snowy window and noticed a familiar dark figure. Opening the window, she was enveloped by muscular (and cold) arms of a certain Gotham vigilante, Nightwing, who happened to be her boyfriend. She chuckled slightly at his out-of-character behavior, but returned his embrace with her arms wrapped around his slim waist.

"Not that I don't mind having you here Damian, but should you not be patrolling with a certain partner of yours tonight?"

The hero shrugged his left shoulder, "I happened to finish my patrol with him. I wanted to end a pretty crappy day with something that makes me feel happy."

Rachel rolled her eyes at his sappiness, but she played along with it, "Pray tell, what makes Damian Wayne happy?"

"Your lips on mine."

Rachel pursed her lips to prevent a smile to bloom. "Maybe I could give you that." She reached for the mask and discarded it on her desk where her forgotten Calculus homework was. He looked over at the discarded mask and rose his dark eyebrow at her.

"Why are you doing homework on a Friday night? What kind of college kid, you are?"

Ignoring his questions, she grabbed his face bringing it towards her and enclosing his lips with hers. He automatically returns her passive-aggressive attacks with his own. He grabs on her hips and lifts her up. Her response was to wrap her legs around his waist, shifting her hands to grip onto his armor covered shoulders. She heard him grunt and continued to shift her hands on his shoulders, simply caressing him to his pecs, enjoying his constant grunting. As her right hand continued its trail of caressing him, she felt something sticky on it which caused him to grunt louder, but in pain. She pulled back and stared at where her hand was previously placed. There was blood stained on his uniform and on her hand. Her eyes widened as she turned her slightly fearful stare to the hero.

"Damian, what happened? Why didn't you tell me you were hurt when you got here?"

"It's nothing, Habibi. I was simply fighting a group of wannabe burglars; apparently one of them had a knife on them. It's only a scratch."

"Like hell, it is. We need to get it fixed. I don't want you to be in pain. Now take off your top."

He gave her a heated stare and smile, "Now now, little birdie. I don't think you want me to make a mess on your bed if we do anything especially with this wound."

She rolled her eyes at him and walked into her bathroom and opened the cabinet under the sink and took out her first-aid kit. Coming out of the bathroom, she told him to sit on her chair and she stood in front of him. They stayed quiet as she poured a bit of hydrogen peroxide on a cotton ball and patted the wound (she gave him a towel to bite), sewed up his cut, cleaned the wound, and covered the wound up. "There you go, Nightwing. I suggest you take the rest of the night off and stay here for tomorrow as well."

He blushed and stammers excuses about how his father will worry about him not getting home. "Father and my brothers will worry if I don't return."

She rolled her eyes and pouted, "Come on, Damian. You know you want to."

"What do I get if I stay?"

Rachel gave him a slight sly smile, "You get to share a bed with me. Now take off your uniform it'll ruin my fresh sheets."

With a nod, he did what she told him to do and he let his girlfriend take him to her bed to lay him down. She walked toward her closet to change into her pajamas, consisting his old Gotham Academy hoodie and boy shorts, and approached him with extra blankets in her arms. "I don't want you to get sick in this Gotham Winter, so here take these."

He sat up slowly and looked at her with confusion, "What happened to sharing body heat?"

"You mean cuddling? We can still do that, but you need more than my 'cuddles' could offer."

"You are more than enough for me."

She smiled softly at him, laying next to him and throwing the blankets at him. "Good night, Gotham vigilante."

Said person wrapped his arms around her, "Good night, Gotham vigilante's girlfriend."

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